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What Are The Benefits Of Wearing Sunglasses?

With the temperature soaring higher and higher every day, it reduces our willpower to go through our everyday routine successfully. Sweat, rashes and lethargy are common hindrances during the months of summer that may stop us from achieving our goals.

The unbearable heat of the afternoon sun, in the peak of the summer season, is a known menace as it not only makes people exhausted beyond measure but is also responsible for heat-related health disorders like severe dehydration, heat cramps, low blood pressure and even fatal diseases like sunstrokes and skin cancer.

With summer showing us its true colours, it is time we gear up and not let it get the better of us. 

How does the sun affect your eyes?

Depending on the intensity and duration of the exposure to the sun, your eyes can suffer from several diseases. Below are some vision disorders the rays of the sun can increase the risk for:

Pterygium development on the conjunctiva, that abnormally covers the white portion of the eye, can be brought on by UV radiation, wind, and dust. Hence, wearing sunglasses may stave off radiation and protect the eyes.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

Sunglasses: Are they just a fashion fad?

Sunglasses undoubtedly make us look trendy and can be paired with any kind of clothing. However, the main idea behind wearing sunglasses is to provide some form of protection to our eyes from the blinding light of the sun which normal spectacles are unable to provide. Sunglasses protect our eyes as well as the sensitive areas surrounding our eyes. 

One should consider the following points – Opting for good quality sunglasses that offer maximum ultraviolet ray coverage for both UV-A and UV-B is smarter than opting for a pair of sunglasses that just look the fanciest. 

Researchers suggest one should wear sunglasses all year round. Sunglasses are believed to block UVA and UVB rays. It may minimise eye strain and glare. It may protect against wind, dust, and objects and aid eye conditions, including macular degeneration and cataracts.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Taking adequate measures to protect yourself from the sun is important during the season of summer to keep yourself fit and healthy. Sunglasses can do wonders in protecting your eyes from the harsh rays of the sun not just during summers but throughout the year. Keeping yourself hydrated, putting on sunscreen and limiting sun exposure are keys to staying healthy during the summer months.

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.

Hyperthermia- Its Symptoms And How To Address It

Hyperthermia is generally characterised by an unusually high body temperature. It is an illness caused by increased temperatures. There are various forms of Hyperthermia. It transpires among people living in humid tropical conditions. When one’s body is unable to release the amount of heat it absorbs from the environment, Hyperthermia occurs. This can also be caused due to overexertion in hot temperatures. It is not the same as acquiring a fever. This can cause damage, however, it is also preventable. Read on to find out about Hyperthermia, its types, symptoms and aid!

Types of hyperthermia:

Continuous application of cold water to the skin can be achieved by either sponging the patient or using a spray bottle. Placing a fan to blow directly on the patient while also spraying or sponging will increase the rate of evaporation, and thereby, will more rapidly decrease body temperature in hyperthermia.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Symptoms of hyperthermia:

The definitive treatment for heat-related illness (hyperthermia) is total body cooling. Conduction and evaporation are the two modes of cooling commonly employed in the treatment of heat-related illnesses.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D

Prevention and aid for hyperthermia:

It is important to know who is most at risk of contracting Hyperthermia. Those working in dry or humid heat conditions are most likely to feel the symptoms of Hyperthermia. Construction workers, labourers, farmers or vendors selling wares in the open are at high risk. People with heart conditions or blood-pressure issues may find it difficult to cool their bodies down because of their health conditions. Some also have a low-sodium diet which can trigger Hyperthermia. The elderly are also susceptible to such excessive conditions because of their age. Younger children who play in the sun can also experience the fatal blow of Hyperthermia. Some tips to prevent such excessive conditions include:

Infants and children up to four years of age, people 65 years of age and older, people who are overweight, and people who are ill or on certain medications are usually at greater risk for hyperthermia.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D

Call for medical assistance immediately after you notice any symptoms of Hyperthermia. While professional help is on the way, stop any physical activity and rest in a shaded area. Remove excessive clothing and look for an ice pack or cool sponging to apply to your skin. Apply powder or any ointment to rashes or irritated skin. Try to gently stretch any cramped muscles. 

Hyperthermia can be dangerous in such conditions. One must look out for oneself and others to be of better assistance in need of dire situations. It can prove to be life-threatening if not treated properly. 

Also Read: How to Cure Sweaty Hands Permanently: Your Comprehensive Guide to Lasting Solutions

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.


What To Do If You Get Heatstroke And How To Identify It?

Global Warming has increased the chances of heat-related illnesses. Dehydration and fainting are common complaints of people exposed to hot climates. Heatstroke is a serious heat-related illness and requires medical attention. It is a consequence of prolonged exposure to the sun, usually accompanied by dehydration. This leads to overheating of one’s body and, in turn, a heatstroke. Read on to find out more about heatstroke, its symptoms and treatments.

Symptoms related to a heat stroke:

It is essential to know the symptoms of heatstroke in case of a dire emergency with oneself or someone else. This way, you can identify the problem better.


There are mostly two causes of heatstroke. Classic heatstroke is caused by prolonged exposure to the sun or the hot and humid weather for longer periods. This leads to a rise in the core body temperature and is most likely to affect older people with chronic illnesses. Exertional heat stroke is likely to occur if one is working strenuously in hot temperatures. It affects those who are not used to the heat. The body temperature rises in increments due to the heat produced during exercise and the outside hot temperature. 

Prevention is the definitive treatment for heat stroke. It is essential to check on the old aged frequently, especially people who don’t have access to air-conditioning. Wear appropriate clothing, avoid leaving children unattended in cars, and reschedule strenuous activity if there is hot, humid weather

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD


When the temperatures are high on a certain day, it is recommended to stay at home or in air-conditioned areas. However, if it is a necessity to travel or work in the heat, here are some precautions to follow- 

In case of a heat stroke, if the primary care techniques do not help, seek immediate medical attention as the person may go into convulsions. Do not use medicines like Paracetamol, instead under medical supervision the person may need some sedatives to prevent or control epileptic fits.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D.


When you recognise symptoms of heatstroke, consult a doctor immediately to avoid fatal damage. While waiting for the paramedics to arrive, move the person to a shaded area. Remove any clothing that is not required. Provide enough air to the person by fanning them. Use water or a damp cloth to wet their skin. Use a damp cloth (normal to slightly cold temperature) and apply it to their neck, groin, armpits and back. These areas have a concentration of blood vessels that can be cooled down. However, do not use very cold water or ice for older patients, young children or those with a chronic illness. Try any method of rehydration. 

Heatstrokes are increasing rapidly every day. This can become a risk factor if you are above the age of 65 or are suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, mental illness, obesity and other such complications. One must be well-prepared to face adversity as such to avoid perilous situations.

Hydration is key! 

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.


8 Effective Summer Health Tips For The Season

Summertime can be especially difficult and demanding compared to the other seasons. The stifling heat teamed with the sweat, rashes and sunburn can be overwhelming and disrupt an individual’s daily routine to stay fit and active.  

The scorching heat of the sun can be a real deterrent to you pursuing your usual fitness regime and can be why you are gaining weight. The sun’s rays are also responsible for causing breakouts and other ailments some of which can even be serious such as skin cancer and sunstrokes.  

8 Tips for Maintaining Health in Summer

It is essential to keep your cool both metaphorically and literally during the months of summer as it can be taxing for both your physical and mental health.

Drink plenty of fluids,Watch for signs of heat illness,Avoid the midday sun,Dress for the weather,Pace activities,Keep cool indoors

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Let us explore some ways you can adapt to stay fit and healthy during summer.

Move it, to Stay Fit

Working out might seem especially difficult during the summer season and your gym instructor might seem crueller than Cinderella’s stepmom. Overcoming these thoughts is the first step to achieving fitness as nothing can be stronger than our minds. Instead of the usual sweat sessions, mix it up with swimming lessons. Take your bicycle to the grocery market instead of your car or go hiking during the weekends. 

Eat Your Greens

Spinach, lettuce, kale, green beans and all other green vegetables have high water content and contain several essential nutrients like iron, magnesium and calcium. They are also great sources of folates and are easy to digest if properly cleaned and/ or cooked. Taking your daily dose of greens is essential to regulate healthy body temperature and keep your body weight under control.

Follow the Rule of CEM

CEM translated to cleansing, exfoliating and moisturising. With the soaring temperatures, several skin problems like dry patches, sun rashes, sunburn or hyperpigmentation. The extreme heat of the sun may also be responsible for excessive oil production and thus frequent breakouts. Therefore it is equally essential to not neglect your skin. Cleansing removes the top layer of dirt, pollution and oil. Exfoliation helps remove the layer of dead skin cells and helps skincare items penetrate better. Moisturising hydrates the skin and keeps it supple.

Hydrate, Hydrate and Hydrate

Our bodies tend to lose a lot of water through perspiration. Rapid loss of water can cause dehydration, a condition that can be life-threatening since water makes up more than 60 per cent of our body composition. Drinking plenty of water and other fluids is necessary to remain hydrated and avoid overheating. An adult weighing 50 kilograms is advised to consume 8 glasses of water per day.  

Ditch Your Denim

Wear loose, light-coloured clothing instead of skin fit denim which is made of a considerably thicker fabric. Tight clothing makes it difficult for your body heat to escape through the skin as a result of which your body might get overheated. The friction of the fabric with your skin for a prolonged period can cause rashes and irritation. Try to cover the parts of your body which get exposed to the sun to reduce sun damage.

Be Generous With SPF

Always remember to apply generous amounts of sunscreen with a broad UVA spectrum before venturing out in the sun. Reapply after every 2 hours, as sunscreen wears off with time. Sunscreens should be applied even when indoors as the harmful ultraviolet rays can reach your skin even while indoors. Sunscreens with a minimum SPF of 30 should be used when going out. 

Reduce Sun Exposure

Try to remain indoors between 10 am to 3 pm as the sun’s rays are the harshest during this time range. Too much sun exposure can cause several skin problems including skin cancer.

Reduce Caffeine and Alcohol Consumption

Caffeine and alcohol are diuretics and cause further dehydration of the body. While consumption in moderate amounts may not have severe consequences, excessive intake may result in increased blood pressure, headaches or even cardiac issues. A warm cup of coffee increases body temperature and can cause discomfort during the summer season.

Health problems such as cough, cold, sunstroke and fever are quite common in children during the summer, often calling for a consultation with a pediatric doctor. Prevention is commonly recommended for children who have a weaker immune system and are vulnerable to temperature changes.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D.

Some hacks to leading a healthy and happy life during the summer months include eating green leafy vegetables, drinking lots and lots of healthy fluids and not forgetting to apply sunscreen at all times. Brisk walking or swimming can be incorporated into your daily routine to stay active without losing too much sweat.  

Also Read: 10 Foods To Reduce Body Heat Naturally

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.


Exercise During Summers- Tips To Make It Easy

As the summer months approach, so does the heat rise. Exercising during these sultry months can be a menace, however, can be handled by drinking enough fluids, wearing proper clothing and timing your workout to avoid extreme heat. Whether you are running, playing on the court like basketball or tennis or going for a power walk, taking care when the temperature starts rising is imperative. If you exercise outdoors in hot weather, use certain precautions to prevent heat-related illnesses.

How does heat affect our body?

Exercising in hot weather may put extra stress on your body if done inappropriately. You risk inviting serious illness if you do not take proper precautions while exercising in the extreme heat. Both the exercise itself and the air temperature increase our core body temperature.

To help cool itself, our body sends more blood to circulate through the skin. This leaves less blood for the muscles, which in turn increases our heart rate. Additionally, if the humidity is high, our body faces added stress because sweat does not readily evaporate from our skin. This phenomenon pushes our body temperature even higher.

Get plenty of fluids while you exercise. Wear lightweight, loose clothing. Stop exercising or get yourself out of the hot environment at the first warning signs of heat-related illness.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Heat-related illness

Under normal situations, our skin and blood vessels adjust to the heat as we build our exercise regime. However, our natural cooling systems may fail if exposed to high temperatures and humidity for too long, there is heavy sweating and the body has a lack of fluid in the system.

The result may be a heat-related illness. Heat-related illnesses occur along a spectrum, starting mild but worsening if left untreated. Heat illnesses include:

  First aid-
1. Make the person sit or lie down comfortably with legs elevated slightly.  

2. Drink fluids like ORS, coconut water, lemonade slowly

1. Stay hydrated and maintain adequate electrolyte balance during, after and before exercise.  

2. It is advisable to speak to a doctor because a person may overdo the intake of electrolytes which can be otherwise harmful.

1. Regular bathing

2. Avoid wearing clothes that have become damp with sweat for long

3. Use powders to keep skin dry

4. If rashes, itching or blisters occur frequently, consult a dermatologist for proper management.

  • Heat exhaustion: With heat exhaustion, your body temperature may rise to 40 degrees celsius along with other problems like headache, vomiting, fainting, sweating and weakness. If left untreated, heat exhaustion can lead to heatstroke.

    Management- Immediately consult a doctor for management.
  • Heatstroke: When your body goes through heat stroke, the temperature may rise above 40 degrees celsius. You may feel dizziness, headaches, fainting, nausea, vomiting, visual problems and fatigue.  

    Management- You need immediate medical attention to prevent underlying major issues like brain damage, organ failure or even death.
  • Warning signs

    During hot-weather exercise, watch for signs and symptoms of heat-related illness. If you ignore these symptoms, your condition can worsen, resulting in a medical emergency. Some signs that you should have a look out for are:

    If you develop any of these symptoms, you must lower your body temperature and get hydrated right away. Stop exercising immediately and get out of the heat. If possible, have someone stay with you who can help monitor your condition.

    Measuring your body’s core temperature during these situations is important. However, an oral, ear or forehead thermometer does not provide an accurate temperature reading for this purpose. Cooling your body is important in these cases. The most effective way of rapid cooling is immersing your body in a water tub that is normal to moderately cool. Drink fluids such as water or a sports drink. If you don’t feel better within about 15-20 minutes, seek emergency medical care.

    Also Read: Benefits of Wall Sitting: A Comprehensive Research-Based Guide

    How to avoid heat-related illnesses

    When you exercise in hot weather, keep these precautions in mind:

    By taking some basic precautions, your exercise routine does not have to be sidelined during summers. You can stay hydrated and also follow your workout regime effectively.

    Also Read: FUPA Workout: Effective Techniques to Burn Lower Belly Fat

    Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.

    5 Best Mom Remedies To Beat The Heat

    With Indian summers often hitting its extreme, it is very important to maintain summer health, especially for kids. The worries seem to have shifted from summer boredom to summer burns and itches. Nevertheless, summers are still the most loved season of the year. Beat the heat by making the most of all the outdoor activities and fun.Is too much heat getting to you?   Not to worry. We bring to you 5 mom-approved tips to make summer better:

    Remedies To Beat The Heat

    1. Hold a Cold Water Bottle Between the Insides of the Wrists-

    There are several major arteries close to your skin on the wrist and keeping this spot cool will help keep the overall body temperature low.

    2. Splash Some Water on your Head or on the Back of your Neck  

    Wetting your head helps to stay cool in summer for the same reasons wearing a hat helps to stay warm in winters! Splashing water helps in releasing body heat.

    3. Add a Lemon Piece into your Water Bottle

    Staying hydrated is an obvious tip given by all, but who says that can’t be made fun! Adding a slice of lemon helps in giving the water a refreshing twist. You can try the same with mint leaves.

    4. Water Fun!

    Head over to the local pool or get into a water balloon fight! Summers are the perfect time to have fun with water. Water will cool your body and make you feel refreshed throughout.

    5. Eat Spicy Food

    Might seem counter-intuitive but it works! The capsaicin present in the spicy food helps in inducing sweat thus enabling the body to eventually cool down.Another mom-approved way to beat the heat is to consume Minty gum as it has a more obvious purpose in producing a cooling feeling that any weary wayfarer will appreciate on a hot day. Do follow our tips to ensure a healthy summer and simply #ChillWithPharmEasy!If you are interested in reading more summer special blogs, check out our blog on Berry Health here.Also Read: 10 Foods To Reduce Body Heat NaturallyDisclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.Links and product recommendations in the information provided here are advertisements of third-party products available on the website. PharmEasy does not make any representation on the accuracy or suitability of such products/services. Advertisements do not influence the editorial decisions or content. The information in this blog is subject to change without notice. The authors and administrators reserve the right to modify, add, or remove content without notification. It is your responsibility to review this disclaimer regularly for any changes.