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How Much Water Does Your Body Need During Summer?

While the season of summer is the perfect time to get into your beautiful, flowy summer dresses and spend time on the beach, it is also the season of sweat, rashes and general exhaustion due to the scorching heat of the sun. Several of our body’s processes like digestion, cooling down etc. slows down if we do not take adequate care of our bodies during this season. This results in a number of illnesses, several of which can be totally avoided if we take care of our hydration and nutrient needs on time.

Why does your body need adequate hydration?

Our bodies lose a lot of water and essential electrolytes through perspiration during the season of summer. It is our bodies’ natural process of regulating our body temperature and cooling down. Overheating can result in extreme exhaustion or even heat strokes, which can be fatal in nature, if not treated on time. Consuming plenty of water and other fluids is necessary to replenish this lost water and for preventing dehydration. 

Lethargy, weak or rapid pulse, low levels of consciousness and inadequate urine output are common signs of dehydration, adequate intake of water is very essential each day as there’s no mechanism for our body to store water.

Dr Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D. 

How much water does your body need?

Different people have different needs for water depending on their age, weight, gender and pre-existing ailments. Who needs how much water? Read on to know more about who needs how much water per day.

Water intake cannot be generalised for everyone. It varies from person to person. Drink as much water as you think your body needs. A person who is indoor all the time in an air conditioned room may need lesser water that a person working out in sun. Urine colour is a good indicator of your hydration. Dark colour may indicate to bring up your water intake till urine colour appears light yellow.

Dr. Arpit Verma, MBBS, MD (Pharmacology)

The benefits of water

Apart from hydration, water provides a number of other benefits. They are:

It is recommended to consume about 13 cups for men and 9 cups for women of drinking water and/or other beverages. Do not forget that we get about 20% of our total water intake from water-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka – MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

Not keen on drinking water?

Some people have a hard time drinking water and maintaining adequate hydration levels in their bodies. The reason is yet to be known whether this is a psychological condition or if something in their bodies actually prevents them from consuming water. But the summer sun is not sparing these people either. So, what is it that you can do to get adequate amounts of hydration? Aim for fluids in general instead of just water. Avoid drinks which contain added sugar or caffeine as these may interfere with your health in the long run if consumed regularly. 

Also Read: Coconut Water vs Coconut Milk: A Comprehensive Comparison Guide

Below are some water-based summer-friendly drinks which can be consumed along with water to keep yourself hydrated.

Drinking adequate quantities of water is extremely essential to ensure all the organ systems in our bodies are performing efficiently. It helps us stay cool and has a number of health benefits. The key to staying healthy in summer is to consume plenty of water and other fluids.

Also Read: Purple Cauliflower Benefits: A Nutritional Breakdown Backed by Science

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.


8 Effective Summer Health Tips For The Season

Summertime can be especially difficult and demanding compared to the other seasons. The stifling heat teamed with the sweat, rashes and sunburn can be overwhelming and disrupt an individual’s daily routine to stay fit and active.  

The scorching heat of the sun can be a real deterrent to you pursuing your usual fitness regime and can be why you are gaining weight. The sun’s rays are also responsible for causing breakouts and other ailments some of which can even be serious such as skin cancer and sunstrokes.  

8 Tips for Maintaining Health in Summer

It is essential to keep your cool both metaphorically and literally during the months of summer as it can be taxing for both your physical and mental health.

Drink plenty of fluids,Watch for signs of heat illness,Avoid the midday sun,Dress for the weather,Pace activities,Keep cool indoors

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Let us explore some ways you can adapt to stay fit and healthy during summer.

Move it, to Stay Fit

Working out might seem especially difficult during the summer season and your gym instructor might seem crueller than Cinderella’s stepmom. Overcoming these thoughts is the first step to achieving fitness as nothing can be stronger than our minds. Instead of the usual sweat sessions, mix it up with swimming lessons. Take your bicycle to the grocery market instead of your car or go hiking during the weekends. 

Eat Your Greens

Spinach, lettuce, kale, green beans and all other green vegetables have high water content and contain several essential nutrients like iron, magnesium and calcium. They are also great sources of folates and are easy to digest if properly cleaned and/ or cooked. Taking your daily dose of greens is essential to regulate healthy body temperature and keep your body weight under control.

Follow the Rule of CEM

CEM translated to cleansing, exfoliating and moisturising. With the soaring temperatures, several skin problems like dry patches, sun rashes, sunburn or hyperpigmentation. The extreme heat of the sun may also be responsible for excessive oil production and thus frequent breakouts. Therefore it is equally essential to not neglect your skin. Cleansing removes the top layer of dirt, pollution and oil. Exfoliation helps remove the layer of dead skin cells and helps skincare items penetrate better. Moisturising hydrates the skin and keeps it supple.

Hydrate, Hydrate and Hydrate

Our bodies tend to lose a lot of water through perspiration. Rapid loss of water can cause dehydration, a condition that can be life-threatening since water makes up more than 60 per cent of our body composition. Drinking plenty of water and other fluids is necessary to remain hydrated and avoid overheating. An adult weighing 50 kilograms is advised to consume 8 glasses of water per day.  

Ditch Your Denim

Wear loose, light-coloured clothing instead of skin fit denim which is made of a considerably thicker fabric. Tight clothing makes it difficult for your body heat to escape through the skin as a result of which your body might get overheated. The friction of the fabric with your skin for a prolonged period can cause rashes and irritation. Try to cover the parts of your body which get exposed to the sun to reduce sun damage.

Be Generous With SPF

Always remember to apply generous amounts of sunscreen with a broad UVA spectrum before venturing out in the sun. Reapply after every 2 hours, as sunscreen wears off with time. Sunscreens should be applied even when indoors as the harmful ultraviolet rays can reach your skin even while indoors. Sunscreens with a minimum SPF of 30 should be used when going out. 

Reduce Sun Exposure

Try to remain indoors between 10 am to 3 pm as the sun’s rays are the harshest during this time range. Too much sun exposure can cause several skin problems including skin cancer.

Reduce Caffeine and Alcohol Consumption

Caffeine and alcohol are diuretics and cause further dehydration of the body. While consumption in moderate amounts may not have severe consequences, excessive intake may result in increased blood pressure, headaches or even cardiac issues. A warm cup of coffee increases body temperature and can cause discomfort during the summer season.

Health problems such as cough, cold, sunstroke and fever are quite common in children during the summer, often calling for a consultation with a pediatric doctor. Prevention is commonly recommended for children who have a weaker immune system and are vulnerable to temperature changes.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D.

Some hacks to leading a healthy and happy life during the summer months include eating green leafy vegetables, drinking lots and lots of healthy fluids and not forgetting to apply sunscreen at all times. Brisk walking or swimming can be incorporated into your daily routine to stay active without losing too much sweat.  

Also Read: 10 Foods To Reduce Body Heat Naturally

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.


11 Ways Of Keeping Yourself Healthy And Fit During The Summer Season


With the temperature soaring higher and higher every day, a drop in our energy and willpower to engage in practices essential for healthy living can be observed commonly. The sweat, the rashes and the unforgiving heat of the sun are profound deterrents to us becoming fit and achieving the perfect summer body that we have been dreaming about forever.  

Working out during the summer months seems like a tedious task? Here is a catch! You are doing it wrong. Not all diet plans or exercise regimes are made keeping in mind the summer season. 

Our bodies’ requirements alter with every changing season. Below are some tips to remain fit and healthy, custom made for the summer season.

Foods to Eat During the Summer Season

During the summer season, our bodies lose water at a rapid rate. It is essential to replenish this lost water to keep the body’s electrolytes in balance and remain hydrated.

Food items that are rich in water content, cool the body and contain lots of essential vitamins and minerals are to be looked out for during the summer months. Seasonal fruits and veggies contain abundant nutrients. 

Let us explore some food items that can be enjoyed during the summer season.

Exercises that boost healthy living during Summer

Being consistent and staying active despite the heat is the key to achieving fitness. Below are some workouts that can be enjoyed during the summer months.

Adding to blog wearing sunscreen, protecting your eyes by wearing shades and wearing white loose clothes makes the summer life easy.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

11 General Tips to Beat the Heat

  1. Wear loose clothing.
  2. Digesting food during the summer months is especially difficult. Eat-in small quantities frequently to avoid indigestion and bloating.
  3. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the harsh rays of the sun.
  4. Protect your skin from the ultraviolet rays by putting on generous amounts of sunscreen.
  5. Avoid excessive caffeine consumption.
  6. Try to stay indoors during the afternoons.
  7. Avoid fast food, deep-fried or street food.
  8. Drink plenty of water and other fluids.
  9. Do not skip working out.
  10. Keep your packaged drinks’ consumption under control as they contain high amounts of added sugar.
  11. Consume seasonal fruits and veggies.

Exercising early in the morning or late in the day to avoid intense heat and taking care of your hydration in summer with plenty of water and clear fluid is critical to maintain your health.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D.

Consuming a balanced diet, staying active and protecting your skin from the sun as much as possible are some ways of leading a fit and healthy life during the summer season. If you are a person living with a chronic condition like diabetes, hypertension etc. talk to your doctor or nutritionist about the required modifications in your diet plan based on the changing season.

Also Read: Benefits of Cucumber Water: A Deep Dive into Its Refreshing Wellness Perks

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.


Tips To Keep Your Body Cool During Summer Season


While you are most irritable and confused on the outside and people fail to understand, know that it is the heat inside your body that is at work, creating all the confusion for you on the outside. Summer months can be very gruesome for most people, as they dread the days of long, endless and harsh sun rays. Keep on reading to find out what you can do when you feel your body is giving you signs that its heat has risen beyond normal.

What is body heat?

The normal body temperature is around   98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Heat stress occurs when the body is not able to maintain homeostasis (a state of stability and balance within the body). This can lead to a rise in body temperature- a condition known as heat stress. Due to a variety of causes, like dehydration, lack of proper diet, long exposure to the sun outside or exhaustion, body heat can effectively rise, leaving you in a confused, fainting and dizzy state of mind.

What can cause body heat?

While there are many causes underlying, responsible for your body heat ranging from various chronic diseases to lifestyle habits, a few of them are listed down-

Ways to reduce body heat

Here are 8 ways you would want to try out to effectively reduce body heat before consulting with a physician, to lead a more comfortable life and enjoy summers to the best of your ability:

  1. Water and cool liquids: Consumption of high amounts of water at regular intervals can keep your body hydrated and cool. Drinking moderately cool liquids, such as water, coconut water or lemonade, can help reduce body temperature by cooling the body internally. Regular intake of fluids will also prevent dehydration, a major cause of increased body heat.
  2. Bathing and cold foot baths- Bathing can help you feel refreshed and cool. When it is not possible to bathe multiple times, just immersing your feet in water for some time can give you a comfortable and soothing feel.
  1. Avoid spicy foods: Many spices and vegetables are heat inducing such as ginger, garlic, peppercorns, onions and mustard seeds. Spicy foods make the body heat up, as a result, may cause a lot of heat-related issues along with stomach ailments. Stick to cooling beverages or light foods during summers.
  2. Avoid fried foods: Excessive Consumption of oils induces a lot of heat in the body, avoid eating a lot of fried foods. Stick to soli, wholesome foods like seasonal fruits, pulses, vegetables or protein that has not been deep-fried. Boiled, grilled or steamed varieties of recipes can be light on your tummy during summers.
  3. Avoid caffeine: Caffeine and alcohol also create a lot of heat in the body and should be avoided, especially in summers. You can enjoy alcoholic beverages once in a while, but cutting down on caffeine and alcohol as a whole is also good for your overall health.
  4. Salt: It is advised that people with excessive body heat must follow a low sodium diet to maintain body temperature. Sodium effectively creates high pressure in the body, which may aid in raising your body temperature and affect your system. On the other hand, you may require an adequate amount of salt and electrolytes if you notice a drop in blood pressure during the summer heat.
  5. Red meats: Red meat food items like mutton, lamb or other kinds of meat increase body temperature. During summers, cut down the consumption of these meats and foods, especially if you are prone to getting lightheaded or weak during the sunny, sultry days.
  6. Yoga: It is an effective method to reduce body heat. Cooling yoga asanas like the Marjari asana and Bitilasana relieve tension in the neck and open the energy centres, thus regulating body temperature. Breathing techniques like Sitali breathing – breathing through your mouth slowly with your tongue curled to feel the passing air and exhaling through your nose can help.
  7. Consume more fruits and vegetables: Vegetables and herbs like spinach and mint, rich in vitamin C and other citrus fruits are good to reduce body heat. Cucumber, avocado, watermelon and curd should be a staple in your summer diet.

Thus, our body can reduce its temperature by sweating or releasing heat into surrounding cooler air or water. A person can also use a range of techniques to cool down like not spending too much time in the sun, limiting going outside without precautions like sunscreen and an umbrella and wearing breathable fabrics can all be beneficial. People should also take care to stay properly hydrated to avoid dehydration, which further increases body temperature.

Also Read: 10 Foods To Reduce Body Heat Naturally

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.


12 High Energy Giving Foods To Solve Your Energy Woes

In peak summer, the sun beats down on you and zaps you of energy. You lose a lot of fluids through profuse sweating. And, that is why you end up feeling lethargic. You have to drag yourself through your daily routine. But, there is a way you can actually shrug off the lethargy- with energy giving foods! Certain high energy foods can speed up your metabolism and also give you an energy boost:

1: Bananas

Bananas are sweet fruits that can act as the perfect energy food. Bananas are rich in potassium and fibre. They are stuffed with natural sugars such as glucose, fructose and sucrose and as soon as they enter your body, they give you an energy boost. The energy released will sustain for hours. Moreover, bananas contain plenty of fibres, which improve gut health and accelerate metabolism. The faster your metabolism, the more energetic you feel.

126 grams or one serving of banana contains 110 calories, 30 grams of carbohydrate and 1 gram of protein. They naturally have no cholesterol, fat or sodium. Having around 450 grams of potassium should be a major part of the diet, especially in adults. 

Bananas can be consumed in every form. Green bananas are a great source of fibre as it contains resistant starch. Resistant starch helps with digestion, maintains blood sugar levels and makes you feel full. On the other hand, ripe bananas are sweet and nutritious. They are a great source of vitamins and minerals like potassium, vitamin B6, etc. They also provide instant energy for physical activity.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, MD

 2: Yoghurt

Dieticians and doctors emphasize the importance of consuming curd or yoghurt. It has a cooling effect on the body. Yoghurt is packed with magnesium, a mineral that instantly releases energy in the body, thus making it the ideal energy giving food.

If you work out in the summers, as you should remember to consume curd as part of your post-workout diet. Not only will this energy giving food raise your energy levels but it will also help mend torn muscles.

Apart from the insane amount of energy, yoghurt is a great immunity and digestion booster. It fights with indigestion and bloating. Yoghurt also helps to keep you cool in summers and is a great substitute for milk.

1 cup or 235 grams of plain yoghurt has about 149 grams of calories. It is also an excellent source of calcium, phosphorus and riboflavin.

3: Coconut Water

Coconut water is a cooling drink that can supplement your daily water intake. It hydrates you, infuses you with energy and flushes out all the harmful waste from your body. It contains minerals that maintain the water balance in your body and help regulate body temperature. 

Since coconut water is formed naturally inside the fruit, it has 94% water and very little fat. Whatever little fat it has is coconut fat. It is also very good for diabetics and helps reduce blood pressure. It is also the best thing to have after prolonged exercise especially during summers.

100 ml of coconut water contains 19 calories. It has 61 mg of potassium and 5.45 mg of sodium

 4: Dry Fruits

Dry fruits comprise dehydrated fruits like dates, watermelons, raisins, cherries and apricots.  It does not contain any unhealthy refined sugar. So even diabetics can consume it without any fear. Dry fruits are filled with natural sugars. So even diabetics can consume it without any fear.  Raisins have about 59%, dates have 65%, apricots have around 53%. Densely packed with potassium and a wide range of vitamins, dry fruits ensure that your body remains at its peak all day long.

Figs make for great guilt-free snacking. They also help in preventing heart diseases. Prunes and raisins help to regulate acidity. Apricots impart give a glowing complexion and their juice can be used to treat sunburns

The best time to consume this high energy food is between breakfast and lunch. This will infuse energy and curb hunger pangs.

1 ounce of dry fruits contains about 84 calories.

5: Nuts

The delightful trait of nuts is that they will not give you an instant energy surge. On the other hand, nut consumption will ensure a consistent release of small doses of energy throughout the day.

Munch on some peanuts, almonds or cashews every few hours to ensure that your energy levels do not dwindle. 

Pistachios and almonds are known as neutral foods, neither hot nor cold and make for good energy giving food during summers

A serving ( 28 grams) of most nuts contain about 160 to 200 calories. Almonds contain about 161 calories, 14 grams of fat and 6 grams of protein and carbohydrates. Pecans have 193 calories, 20 grams of fat and 3 grams of protein and carbohydrates

 6: Chocolate

Chocolate contains sugar and caffeine, both of which lead to a hike in cortisol and adrenaline levels and lead to a surge of energy. Nibble into small pieces of chocolate twice or thrice a day to keep yourself going.

Chocolate has various antioxidant properties and can help lower risks of high blood pressure, cholesterol and inflammation.

Summers can take a toll on your body as well as your mind. The above-mentioned list of energy giving foods not only perk you up but also delight your palate and keep you energetic.

Also Read: Foods that Boost Metabolism: A Research-Based Guide to Supercharging Your Body

100 grams of dark chocolate pack 604 calories, 43 grams of fat and 46 grams of carbohydrate

 7: Brown Rice

Apart from being very nutritious, brown rice helps in providing a good amount of energy. Manganese helps enzymes in breaking down carbohydrates and proteins to generate energy. Brown rice is less processed than white rice and thus retains a lot of nutritional value.

195 grams of brown rice contains about 3.5 grams of fibre and provides about 88% RDI for manganese. 100 grams of brown rice has 111 calories.

 8: Eggs

Packed with proteins, eggs are both delicious and a great source of energy.  Eggs contain leucine, an amino acid that helps in stimulating energy production in the body. Rich in Vitamin B, eggs help in the processes that involve breaking down food for energy.

100 grams of boiled eggs have about 155 calories.

 9: Sweet Potato

Due to the complex carbohydrates and fibre content in sweet potatoes, our bodies digest them at a slower pace. As a result, we have a steady source of energy when we have sweet potatoes. Manganese in sweet potatoes also helps in breaking down nutrients in the body to produce energy.

One medium-sized sweet potato has about 23 grams of carbohydrates, 3.8 grams of fibre.

The best part about these superfoods is that you can have them individually or throw some of them together and create delicious fruit and nut bowls. You can also combine them and make energy bars.

These not only make for very healthy but also extremely delicious meals. They keep your hunger pangs at bay, give you all the nutrition you need, keep you hydrated and cool on a hot and sultry day.

 10: Fatty Fish

Fatty fish such as salmon and tuna are great sources of protein, fatty acids and B vitamins. These must be included in your daily diet for the requirement of omega-3 fatty acids which reduces inflammation, a common cause of fatigue. It is especially important for cancer patients and those recovering from cancer. Vitamin B12 works with folate to produce red blood cells and ensures iron works better in your body for increased energy.

3 ounces of Salmon contains 175 calories, 10 grams fat and 1.7 grams of omega-3 fatty acids. Tuna (yellowfin, fresh, raw) – 109 calories, less than one gram fat, 0 grams carbohydrate and 24 grams protein.

 11: Coffee

Coffee gives you an instant energy boost; it is rich in caffeine and can quickly pass from your bloodstream to your brain. The production of epinephrine, a hormone that stimulates the body and brain increases due to its consumption.

Coffee provides only two calories per cup which is enough to have stimulatory effects that can make you feel alert and focused. However, It’s not recommended to consume over 400 mg of caffeine or about 4 cups of coffee, per day.

 12: Avocados

Based on my observations, eating avocados daily might have positive effects on weight loss. It might aid in stimulating weight loss by improving body composition and metabolic parameters.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Avocado is considered to be a superfood owing to its several health benefits. They are rich in healthy fats, which promote optimal blood fat levels and enhance the absorption of nutrients. These are stored and used as energy sources. It also contains B vitamins and fibre which help in maintaining steady energy levels.

About 84% of the healthy fats in avocados come from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Additionally, the fibre in avocados accounts for 80% of their carb content.

Also Read: Is Granola Good For You: Unraveling the Truth Based on Nutrition Science

Foods to Avoid

Like with any other diet plan, there are a few things you should avoid consuming that may slow down your metabolism and are not high-energy foods.

  1. Refined grains can hamper your metabolism. It is commonly found in packaged foods like bread and pasta. This can lead to weight gain besides affecting your metabolism.
  2. Sweetened drinks have also been found to slow down one’s metabolism. When coupled with a meal, it can affect the energy balance in the body. By reducing fat metabolism it also causes the body to store more fat. Even fruit juice, which is generally considered to be energy-giving, is detrimental to your high-metabolism diet plan due to its high calories and lack of fiber content.
  3. Granola may seem like a great instant energy-giving food but it is high in calories and fat content and its extremely high sugar content will lead to an increase in blood sugar levels resulting in you feeling hungrier.

Also Read: Brown Egg Vs White Eggs: Decoding Nutritional Facts and Myths

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

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5 Best Mom Remedies To Beat The Heat

With Indian summers often hitting its extreme, it is very important to maintain summer health, especially for kids. The worries seem to have shifted from summer boredom to summer burns and itches. Nevertheless, summers are still the most loved season of the year. Beat the heat by making the most of all the outdoor activities and fun.Is too much heat getting to you?   Not to worry. We bring to you 5 mom-approved tips to make summer better:

Remedies To Beat The Heat

1. Hold a Cold Water Bottle Between the Insides of the Wrists-

There are several major arteries close to your skin on the wrist and keeping this spot cool will help keep the overall body temperature low.

2. Splash Some Water on your Head or on the Back of your Neck  

Wetting your head helps to stay cool in summer for the same reasons wearing a hat helps to stay warm in winters! Splashing water helps in releasing body heat.

3. Add a Lemon Piece into your Water Bottle

Staying hydrated is an obvious tip given by all, but who says that can’t be made fun! Adding a slice of lemon helps in giving the water a refreshing twist. You can try the same with mint leaves.

4. Water Fun!

Head over to the local pool or get into a water balloon fight! Summers are the perfect time to have fun with water. Water will cool your body and make you feel refreshed throughout.

5. Eat Spicy Food

Might seem counter-intuitive but it works! The capsaicin present in the spicy food helps in inducing sweat thus enabling the body to eventually cool down.Another mom-approved way to beat the heat is to consume Minty gum as it has a more obvious purpose in producing a cooling feeling that any weary wayfarer will appreciate on a hot day. Do follow our tips to ensure a healthy summer and simply #ChillWithPharmEasy!If you are interested in reading more summer special blogs, check out our blog on Berry Health here.Also Read: 10 Foods To Reduce Body Heat NaturallyDisclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.Links and product recommendations in the information provided here are advertisements of third-party products available on the website. PharmEasy does not make any representation on the accuracy or suitability of such products/services. Advertisements do not influence the editorial decisions or content. The information in this blog is subject to change without notice. The authors and administrators reserve the right to modify, add, or remove content without notification. It is your responsibility to review this disclaimer regularly for any changes.