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9 Easy Ways To Boost Your Immunity!

We first make our habits then our habits make us! – John Dryden

This quote is so accurate and holds so much relevance in our everyday life. By just adopting the right set of practices, we can improve our overall health and well being in massive proportions.

So, for the ones who are still contemplating where to get started, here are a few habits that you can quickly implement in your everyday life!

7 Ways to Boost Immunity

1. Gift yourself sleep

Our harsh lifestyles can take an immense toll on the health. Thus, it is vital to give the body adequate rest at regular intervals. While doctors recommend 7-8 hours of sleep, it is also extremely essential to regularise your sleep timetable. Thus, ensure that you sleep on a set time and wake up at a set time, every day, regardless of weekends. This will not only regulate your sleeping pattern but also help to regularise your body clock.

2. Exercise regularly

Come rain, come storm, make it a point to exercise regularly. If you can’t step outdoor, perform some light exercises indoors. You can also try to accommodate a sport in your daily lifestyle. This will not only do wonders for your health but also help build a network with like-minded people.

3. Consume Immunity boosting foods

While eating healthy is a give in, try to incorporate, a few immunity-boosting foods in your everyday diet. Below are a few that you can easily befriend, else go with our new Everherb Immunity Boosters.


4. Up your water intake

We all are aware of the innumerable benefits of water. Along with water, also up your fluid intake by including water-enriched foods in your daily diet.   Watermelons, oranges, lettuce, strawberries are all high on their water content and taste yummy too.

5. Laugh aloud

While stress is an unavoidable part of our life, we can always find effective ways to deal with it. So try to surround yourself with people who are confident and motivating, watch and read comedy, don’t take things too seriously. After all, Life is meant to be lived and lived well!

Also Read: Benefits of Cloves Sexually: Exploring Evidence-Based Enhancements

6. Adopt a pet

Adopting a pet makes you happy. Having pets at home not only relieves stress but also acts as great comfort for people living alone.

7. Travel

Put on your wandering shoes and travel. Travel helps you to unwind and relax. A change in routine and a break from the monotony help you to think freely and openly. So, go out and explore the world. You will surely come back refreshed and enlightened.

8. Things To Avoid

Avoid smoking, as it has been shown to increase the chances of contracting an infection. Smoking is thought to change the balance of your immune system which can also lead to an autoimmune disease. If you drink alcohol, ensure that you reduce your intake as heavy alcohol usage is not only linked to poor health but also many other serious health issues.

9. Protect Your Health  

Answering how to boost your immune system also means we need to think about proactive health protection. Prevention is better than cure and nothing can make you healthier than avoiding sickness in the first place. Whenever possible, take vaccines for any local or regional diseases, use the best hygiene practices (like hand washing and safe food preparation) and lastly reduce your stress levels. The best armour for your immune system is to protect it from attack rather.

Also Read: Zincovit

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.

Links and product recommendations in the information provided here are advertisements of third-party products available on the website. PharmEasy does not make any representation on the accuracy or suitability of such products/services. Advertisements do not influence the editorial decisions or content. The information in this blog is subject to change without notice. The authors and administrators reserve the right to modify, add, or remove content without notification. It is your responsibility to review this disclaimer regularly for any changes.


10 Health Benefits of Garlic (Lahsun)

Garlic has been part of the kitchens for centuries. This herb has curative and medicinal properties because of its antibacterial and antiseptic nature. The beneficial properties of garlic are because of a compound, Allicin. It is rich in minerals like phosphorus, zinc, potassium, and magnesium. Vitamins C, K, Folate, niacin and thiamine also are found abundantly in garlic.

Garlic Nutritional Chart

Here is the nutritional chart for 100 grams of raw garlic. Note that 1 medium to large garlic clove weighs between 3-8 grams each. 

Amount per 100g raw garlicPercentage of recommended daily intake
Carbohydrates33.1 g11%
Fibre2.1 g8%
Vitamin B61.2mg62%
Vitamin C31.2mg52%
Also contains vitamins A, E, K, Niacin, Folate, Pantothenic acid and Choline
Also contains Zinc, Magnesium and sodium

Did You Know?

The Health Benefits of Eating Garlic (Lahsun) are:

1. Wards Off Cough and Cold

Raw garlic has the potential to ward off cough and cold infections. Eating two crushed garlic cloves on an empty stomach has the maximum benefit. For kids and babies, hanging garlic cloves in a thread around their necks is supposed to relieve congestion symptoms.

From what I have seen, garlic oil might possess anti-inflammatory properties. In cases of soreness and inflammation in joints or muscles, applying garlic oil topically may be beneficial. Rubbing the affected area with garlic oil can potentially help reduce inflammation and provide relief.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D (Ayu)

2. Good for Cardiac Health

Allicin, a compound found in garlic stops the oxidizing of LDL (bad cholesterol). This reduces cholesterol levels and improves heart health. Regular consumption of garlic reduces the incidence of blood clots and thus helps prevent thromboembolism. Garlic also lowers blood pressure so is good for patients with hypertension. Read more on How to control high blood pressure.

Also Read: 2o Essential Tips for a Healthy Heart

3. Improves Brain Functioning

Garlic promotes brain health because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is effective against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. Also, read more on the best brain foods to include in your diet.

I think that garlic might be good for your arteries and blood pressure. When we eat garlic, the sulphur in it gets converted into a gas called hydrogen sulphide. This gas may help expand our blood vessels, which makes it easier to control blood pressure. However, it’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor about whether adding more garlic to your diet might be beneficial or not.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

4. Improves Digestion

Digestive problems improve with the inclusion of raw garlic in the diet. It benefits the intestines and reduces inflammation. Eating raw garlic helps to clear out intestinal worms. The good thing is that it destroys the bad bacteria and protects the good bacteria in the gut.

5. Balances Blood Sugar

Those who suffer from diabetes observe their blood sugar levels regulating the consumption of raw garlic.

Also, read 10 harmful effects of sugar.

Based on my observations, garlic has been potentially used in traditional medicine for ages. It’s pretty fascinating how it can be helpful in different things. For instance, studies have shown that garlic may be effective in dealing with warts, denture stomatitis, venous ulcers, and even skin wounds. So, if you’re dealing with any of these issues, using garlic might just do the trick.

Dr. Smita Barode, B.A.M.S, M.S.

6. Boosts Immunity

Garlic protects against free radicals and prevents damage to the DNA. Zinc in garlic promotes immunity. Vitamin C helps to fight off infections. It is very beneficial against eye and ear infections as it has antimicrobial properties.

7. Improves Skin Health

Garlic helps prevent acne and lightens acne scars. Cold sores, psoriasis, rashes, and blisters can all benefit from the application of garlic juice. It also protects against UV rays and therefore prevents ageing.

Read More: 7 Home Remedies for Glowing Skin

8. Prevents Cancer and Peptic Ulcer

Because of a high amount of antioxidants, garlic protects the body against lung, prostate, bladder, stomach, liver and colon cancer. The antibacterial action of garlic prevents peptic ulcers as it eliminates the contagion from the gut.

9. Good for Weight Loss

Garlic reduces the expression of genes responsible for the formation of adipose cells which store fat. It also increases thermogenesis in the body and leads to the burning of more fat and the lowering of LDL (bad cholesterol).

Apart from the fact that it is good for weight loss, garlic is highly nutritional. In fact, one clove of raw garlic, which is around 3 grams, contains:

Also Read: Benefits of Cloves Sexually: Exploring Evidence-Based Enhancements

10. May Improve Athletic Performance

Garlic is considered one of the best ”performance enhancing” substances. In olden times, the item was used to treat fatigue and improve the work capacity of labourers. Studies on rodents suggest consuming garlic helps in improving exercise performance. People who had heart disease consumed garlic for 6 weeks and this resulted in a 12% reduction in their heart rate and better exercise capacity.

garlic benefits

11. Fights UTI and Improves Renal Health

Fresh garlic juice has the potential to reduce the growth of E. Coli bacteria that cause urinary tract infection (UTI). It also helps prevent kidney infections.

Garlic reduces infections on wounds, promotes hair growth, bone health and liver health. Most of the home remedies are effective only if garlic is consumed raw.

12. Reduces Exercise Fatigue

According to studies from Japan, raw garlic when aged in a mixture of water and alcohol may have significant effects on exercise endurance. Human studies have also been conducted that have shown that garlic can indeed improve the symptoms of exercise fatigue. 

13. Reduces Blood Toxicity

For people who are susceptible to lead poisoning due to occupational hazards, garlic may be the best organic solution. Studies conducted in 2012 have revealed that garlic is in fact, safer and better at reducing lead poisoning of the blood than d-Penicillamine, which is the common drug used to treat the same.

14. Overcome Oestrogen Deficiency

The period of menopause for older women has often been associated with a lack of the female hormone known as oestrogen due to irregular production of a protein known as a cytokine. Consumption of garlic has been seen to regulate this to some extent and therefore, may be effective in overcoming oestrogen deficiency after menopause.

15. Reduce Effects or Onset of Osteoarthritis

Consuming garlic in your regular diet can also help to prevent or reduce the onset of osteoarthritis. Research has shown that garlic contains a compound known as diallyl disulphide which helps to maintain bone density and therefore can potentially delay the onset of bone-related ailments like osteoarthritis.

16. Prevent Heart Blockages

Garlic is also believed to help reduce the stickiness of the platelets in your blood. These platelets are responsible for the clotting of blood. Consuming a healthy dose of garlic can help reduce the excessive clotting effect of platelets on the blood. Therefore, it may help prevent unnecessary blood clots inside arteries that may reach up to your heart causing a heart attack.

Also Read: Garlic Tea: Health Benefits, Uses, Side Effects & More! 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the side effects of taking garlic by mouth?

When you take garlic by mouth it is mostly safe. It can cause side effects such as bad breath, heartburn, gas, and diarrhoea. If you take raw garlic by mouth, the side effects are often worse and may increase the risk of bleeding and cause allergic reactions in some people.

Should garlic (Lahsun) be applied to the skin?

Garlic products like gels and pastes are possibly safe. But garlic might cause skin damage that is similar to a burn. Especially raw garlic when applied to the skin might cause severe skin irritation.

Who should avoid having garlic?

One must avoid having excess amounts of garlic during pregnancy or if nursing, children can take it in doses of up to 300 mg three times daily for up to 8 weeks and not more than that, people with the bleeding disorders must avoid garlic, if you undergo surgery, do not consume garlic as it may prolong bleeding and interfere with blood pressure. Stop having garlic two weeks before surgery and garlic might also lower blood sugar levels so one must be aware.


The information provided here is for educational/awareness purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional and should not be relied upon to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The reader should consult a registered medical practitioner to determine the appropriateness of the information and before consuming any medication. PharmEasy does not provide any guarantee or warranty (express or implied) regarding the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the information; and disclaims any liability arising thereof.
Links and product recommendations in the information provided here are advertisements of third-party products available on the website. PharmEasy does not make any representation on the accuracy or suitability of such products/services. Advertisements do not influence the editorial decisions or content. The information in this blog is subject to change without notice. The authors and administrators reserve the right to modify, add, or remove content without notification. It is your responsibility to review this disclaimer regularly for any changes.