My brother, who is 36 years old, has had Type-2 diabetes for three years. He has been suffering from diarrhoea for the past week. Before the onset of diarrhoea, he had a high-grade fever for three days. He was given ...
AskEasy Latest Questions
I lost a lot of weight when diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. After starting insulin, I have been putting on weight. Will the weight increase stop by itself? I do not want to become overweight.
Recently, I saw a video of a doctor who said that diabetes could be reversed in the initial stage, like from 1 month up to 3 years. Is this true? I was infected with Covid last month, and my HbA1c ...
I am currently taking human Mixtard 30/70 insulin twice a day (morning 20 and evening 15) for my Type 1 diabetes. I would like to switch to long-acting insulin once a day; please advise me.
My aunt, who is 42 years old, has diabetes. As a result, her sugar levels are always higher than the normal range. She also has high blood pressure and takes medications for the same. What Indian foods are good for ...
My aunt has been taking Metformin for the last 4 to 5 years, and she has been able to maintain normal blood sugar levels, but her haemoglobin level has been falling from the last eight months, from 11 to 8. ...
I am 65 years old and have had diabetes for eight years. My left arm has been in pain for the past 5 five days. There is also pain at the back of my neck. I don’t feel right. Also, ...
I have a long history of Type 2 diabetes. I have been taking insulin for the last five years. Are there any alternatives available for insulin? Is IME 9 helpful?
I am 28 years old, but I have had type 1 diabetes since childhood. Is there any cure for diabetes? How can I treat it? Please, can someone help me?
My doctor told me I have Type 2 diabetes a few months ago. What are the lifestyle changes I should make to reverse my diabetes?