My friend has been recently diagnosed with Type-2 diabetes. He is overweight for his age. Can weight loss help reverse his diabetes? Please advise on how he can reverse his diabetes or get his blood sugars back to normal.
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My aunt has Type 2 diabetes, and she is losing weight. She is using certain prescription medicines without any improvement. She is also using birth control pills, and her sugar is around 350. What should I do?
I am 41 years old. I have Type 2 diabetes. My sugar level is always high, and I feel weak. I am not able to do my daily walking. I take Glykind M medicine, so is there any other medicine ...
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I have Type 2 diabetes. When I was diagnosed with diabetes, my Fasting Blood Sugar was 200 mg/dl. I could manage to bring it around 135 mg/dL by controlling my diet and exercising. I never wanted to take medicine, but ...
My sister is 14 years old and has been diagnosed with Type-2 diabetes. She developed stomach pain, and her sonography report shows fatty liver. Her three-month blood sugar report is also 9.7. The doctor has suggested insulin injections to control ...