Top Foods to Ease Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

Reviewed by: Dr. Nikita Toshi

Disclaimer: Informative, not prescriptive.

Fruits and nuts

Keep your favorite fruits and nuts handy and consume them in morning by the time breakfast is being prepared. Delay in breakfast can worsen the morning sickness.


Smelling lemons, adding them to water, or salads may provide a calming effect on your stomach during morning sickness.


Ginger is great for easing nausea, especially during early pregnancy when about 80% of people feel queasy.

Cold Foods

Drinking cold beverages like lemonade, buttermilk and eating cold foods like oranges , grapes can reduce strong smells that might make you feel sick.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 found in chicken, some fish, fortified cereals, nuts and chickpeas may help reduce nausea and vomiting in pregnancy.

High-Protein Foods

Eating more protein might lessen morning sickness by boosting a hormone called gastrin, helping to reduce nausea.


Bananas have B6, which helps with nausea, and they give you nutrients and potassium for your body during pregnancy.

Potato Chips and Pretzels

Pretzels and plain potato chips can calm your stomach because they're bland, salty, easy to digest, and don't strain your digestive system much.


Applesauce is easy on your stomach, It helps with constipation and diarrhea and gives you calories when you're queasy or vomiting.


Watermelon and watermelon juice can help with dehydration, especially if you're throwing up.

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