Things You Shouldn’t Do Before And After Sex

Reviewed by: Dr. Nikita Toshi

Disclaimer: Informative, not prescriptive.

Avoid Spicy Food

Cut down on spicy and heavy foods before sex to avoid discomfort like heartburn, opting for lighter options such as fresh fruits and oatmeal instead.

Avoid Drinking Too Much

Limit alcohol intake before sex to reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction, as excessive drinking can cause difficulty in achieving or maintaining erections.

Don’t Shave Right Before

If you shave your private area, do it a day before sex to avoid irritation, as freshly shaved skin is more sensitive and prone to discomfort during intimacy.

Don't Forget to Pee

After sex, pee to reduce the risk of transferring bacteria from the anal area to the vagina or urethra, helping to prevent some infections.

Avoid Scented Products on your Genitals

Avoid scented genital products after sex as they can irritate the skin and disrupt normal bacteria. Stick to plain water for gentle cleansing to prevent irritation.

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Don't Douche After Sex

Avoid douching after sex as it can harm vaginal health, increasing the risk of infections like UTIs, yeast infections, and bacterial vaginosis.

Avoid Tight Clothes After Sex

Wear loose clothes after sex, focus on each other instead of screens, and talk openly about sexual health concerns before and after sex.

Keep Protection Handy

Use condoms during intercourse if not planning pregnancy. Condoms reduce the risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

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