Symptoms of Fungal Sinusitis

Reviewed by: Dr. Nikita Toshi

Disclaimer: Informative, not prescriptive.


Persistent tiredness or exhaustion that doesn't improve with rest, often due to the body's ongoing efforts to fight off the fungal infection.

Loss of Smell or Taste

A noticeable reduction or complete inability to detect odors and flavors, resulting from inflammation and blockage in the nasal passages.

Stuffy Nose

A sensation of nasal congestion or blockage, typically caused by swollen nasal tissues and mucus buildup.

Runny Nose

Continuous nasal discharge, often thin and clear, stemming from the body's response to the fungal irritants in the sinuses.

Pain or Pressure in Face and Sinuses

Discomfort or a feeling of heaviness around the forehead, cheeks, or eyes due to inflammation and increased sinus pressure.