Home Remedies To Lower Your Blood Pressure

Reviewed by: Dr Rajeev Singh

Disclaimer: Informative, not prescriptive.

Lifestyle Modifications

To manage hypertension, exercise regularly, eat more fruits and vegetables, and avoid fried, salty, and fatty foods.

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Celery is rich in essential oils, flavonoids, potassium, fiber, vitamin K, folate, and manganese, all of which support heart health.

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Oatmeal is high in fiber. These can be prepared with fresh vegetables and minimum oil for a healthy breakfast option.

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Garlic is a great home remedy for hypertension. Studies suggest it can lower blood pressure by increasing nitric oxide, which helps relax and widen blood vessels.

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Hibiscus tea might help with hypertension. Studies suggest that an extract of dry hibiscus calyx has potential to lower blood pressure.

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Hawberry contains main compounds like , procyanidins and flavonoids which can help can reduce blood pressure.

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Green and oolong tea might lower the risk of hypertension. Brew green tea with honey or lemon juice for a soothing drink to help manage high blood pressure.

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Ginger might help enhance blood circulation and relax the muscles around blood vessels, which could contribute to managing hypertension.

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