Foods to Avoid When Trying to Lose Weight

Reviewed by: Dr. Nikita Toshi

Disclaimer: Informative, not prescriptive.

French Fries

French fries and potato chips, being high in calories and fat, may lead to weight gain if eaten excessively. It's best to enjoy them in moderation.

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Sugary Drinks

Cutting back on sugary drinks like soda can greatly impact weight loss and overall health.

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White Bread

White bread is refined and often has added sugar, leading to a high glycemic index and links to overweight and obesity.

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Candy Bars

Candy bars are full of sugar, refined flour, and added oils, packing lots of calories. They're best avoided when trying to lose weight.

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Cookies and Cakes

Avoid intake of pastries, cookies, and cakes as they're calorie-dense and loaded with added sugar

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Alcohol has more calories than carbs and protein. If you're aiming to lose weight, quitting alcohol intake can be the healthiest decision.

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Commercial pizzas often have refined and processed ingredients, making them a food to avoid when trying to lose weight.

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High Calorie Coffee Drinks

Coffee drinks with lots of cream and sugar are high in calories. If you're trying to lose weight, it's best to limit them.

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Fruit Juices

Fruit juice is calorie-rich and often has added sugar but lacks fiber. Opt for smaller servings or whole fruit instead.

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