Everything To Know About Hyperthermia & Its Types

Reviewed by: Dr. Nikita Toshi

Disclaimer: Informative, not prescriptive.

What is Hyperthemia?

Hyperthermia means having a very high body temperature. It happens when your body is unable to normalize the body temperature due to absorption or generation of excessive heat .

Type #1 - Cramps

Muscle cramps can happen when you lose electrolytes from sweating a lot in hot weather, causing imbalances in your body's salt and fluids. They can affect your hands, legs, or feet.

Type #2 - Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is a more serious type of overheating. You feel tired, your body temperature goes up to 40 degrees Celsius or higher, and it could lead to heatstroke.

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Type #3 - Rash

When you sweat a lot in hot weather, you might get a heat rash. It looks like redness over skin, bumps or blisters and usually shows up on your arms, armpits, chest, neck, or elbows.

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Type #4 - Stress

When it's really hot outside, it can make people feel tired and stressed. Jobs like firefighting, mining, and construction can make this worse.

Type #5 - Heatstroke

Exposure to extremely hot temperatures can cause severe dehydration and disturb the temperature regulation of body leading to a heatstroke.