How to Drain Fluid from Middle Ear at Home

Reviewed by: Dr. Nikita Toshi

Disclaimer: Informative, not prescriptive.

Jiggling the Earlobe

Gently moving the earlobe up and down can help open the Eustachian tubes and allow fluid to drain from the middle ear.

Using Gravity

Lying down with the affected ear facing down allows gravity to pull the fluid out of the middle ear.

Creating a Vacuum

Covering the affected ear with the palm and quickly pushing and pulling it away can create a vacuum effect to help remove fluid from the middle ear.

Trying Ear Drops or Sprays

Using ear drops or sprays from a pharmacy can soften wax and help drain fluid, but should only be used after consulting a doctor.

Inhaling Steam

Breathing in steam from a hot shower or boiling water can help reduce swelling in the Eustachian tubes and promote fluid drainage.

Gargling with Saltwater

Gargling with warm saltwater can reduce swelling and help drain fluid from the middle ear.

Valsalva maneuver

Take a deep breath and hold it. Close your mouth. Gently pinch your nose shut. Slowly and gently exhale through your mouth like inflating a balloon.