Best Home Remedies for Food Poisoning

Reviewed by: Dr Ritu Budania

Disclaimer: Informative, not prescriptive.

Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS)

Food poisoning can lead to water loss due to vomiting and diarrhea. ORS is essential for rehydration.It can also be made at home by mixing sugar and salt with water.

Lemon Juice

Drinking lemon juice can help rehydrate and replinsh electrolytes. Mix half a lemon with a glass of water for a refreshing drink that often provides relief.

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Natural Oil

Either oregano oil or thyme oil can help alleviate food poisoning discomfort. Add a few drops to water and drink once or twice daily for relief.

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Bananas helps restore lost electrolytes during food poisoning.


Ginger has been used in Ayurveda to relieve vomiting, diarrhea. Mix ginger juice with warm water and honey for consumption which may help with food poisoning.

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For food poisoning relief use cumin (jeera), and boil in water. Once boiled, add some coriander juice and salt to taste. Drink this solution several times a day for relief.

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Buttermilk mixed with cumin powder, long pepper, or ginger powder can be given at regular intervals to help with food poisoning.