Amazing Health Benefits of Sweet Lime

Reviewed by: Dr. Ritu Budania

Disclaimer: Informative, not prescriptive.

Helps Improve Immunity

Sweet lime and its juice contain vitamin C and antioxidants that fight off colds and flu and may boost your immunity.

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Improves Digestive Health

Eating fresh sweet lime can ease tummy issues like constipation and indigestion.

Helps with Dehydration

Sweet lime has essential minerals and vitamins that may help prevent dehydration

Good for Eyes, Skin and Hair

Sweet lime is rich in vitamin A and C which are essential for good eye and skin health

Helps in Weight Loss

Sweet lime is low in fat and calories, which may help with weight loss.

Relieves Nausea and Vomiting

Sweet lime juice, with its pleasant aroma and taste may help bring down the symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

Helps Pass Kidney Stones

According to a study eating citrus fruits every day lowers the risk of kidney stones.

May Help with UTI

The potassium present in sweet lime fights UTIs and may improve kidney and bladder health.

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