Reviewed by: Dr Smita Barode
Disclaimer: Informative, not prescriptive.
Lavender oil could help ease some types of pain. Inhaling or applying it to the skin can offer soothing relief.
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Peppermint oil may help relieve pain and inflammation in some cases. Traditionally, it's been used for painful spasms and arthritis.
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Eucalyptus oil may help reduce pain in some cases. Consult a doctor for the diagnosis and treatment of any kind of pain.
Cloves are a natural pain reliever because they contain eugenol, which is also found in some over-the-counter pain rubs.
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Capsaicin in chili peppers helps reduces pain in some cases. These should not be used for self treatment for any pain.
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Ginger, a root commonly used in cooking and herbal remedies, shows promising potential as a natural pain reliever.
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Turmeric contains curcumin, a potent antioxidant known for its ability to alleviate swelling and inflammation.
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Acupuncture might ease pain by triggering the release of serotonin, a brain chemical that reduces pain and boosts mood.
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Using a heating pad or cold pack as advised by a doctor can help reduce pain and swelling over time.