Reviewed by: Dr. Ritu Budania
Disclaimer: Informative, not prescriptive.
Keep windows closed and use air conditioning, but remember to clean out your vents first.
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Take off your shoes at the door to prevent pollen from entering the house.
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Make it a habit to shower in the evening to rinse off pollen and avoid carrying it into your bed.
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Consult your physician and seek opinion if yoy need medication like a daily antihistamine or nasal spray.
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Consult with your phycisian to xxplore allergen immunotherapy options such as allergy shots or drops, which can help train your immune system to stop reacting to those allergens.
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Combat pollen allergies by vacuuming often with a HEPA-filtered vacuum cleaner. This keeps indoor pollen levels low, reducing allergic symptoms.
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Remember to remove and wash any clothing that has been worn outside to prevent bringing pollen indoors.
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Flush pollen from your nose by using a squeeze bottle or a neti pot.
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