Comprehensive Plus Full Body Checkup with Vitamin D B12 and Electrolytes
Booked 7870 timesBlood,Urine
8-10 Hrs
- Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) Test
- Chloride (Cl) Test
- HbA1c (Glycosylated Hemoglobin) Test
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PharmEasy’s Comprehensive Plus Checkup with Vitamins and Electrolytes is a complete health package, and can help the doctor assess the overall health. Our body needs vitamins and electrolytes to perform normal functions and so it is necessary to keep an eye on the levels of these vital matters. Similarly, there are a few other crucial parameters that should be monitored routinely. To this effect, this test package includes basic tests like complete blood count, blood sugar, lipid profile, kidney function test, thyroid profile, liver function test, complete urine analysis, vitamins, electrolytes, and vitamin D and B12.
If you have any kind of cramps, or feel weak and dull, your doctor may suggest this package. Also, if you have specific health issues like diabetes or bone disorders, any risk factors for deficiencies, or have a restrictive diet, you may benefit from the Comprehensive Plus Checkup with Vitamins and Electrolytes to monitor your overall health.
The test results will depend on your age, gender, and medical history. It is recommended to consult a doctor once the test is done, so they can make suggestions if the values are out of range.
The test is done from the comfort of your home, without the need to visit any diagnostic centre or hospital, and wait in long queues. The test package is reasonably priced, and there are discounts available too.
Sample Type
The phlebotomist will visit your location and collect fasting blood samples for the Comprehensive Plus Checkup Package with Vitamins and Electrolytes.
A urine sample will also be necessary. For this, the first urine of the morning is suggested.
The samples will then be sent to the lab for testing.
Risk Assessment
The test helps to assess risks like anaemia, infections, and other blood related issues. It also checks the functioning of the thyroid gland, by checking the levels of thyroid hormones like T3, T4, and TSH. The test helps to assess any cardiovascular risk, by checking cholesterol levels, triglycerides and electrolytes. Essential vitamins are checked, to assess any deficiencies, along with electrolytes like sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. The Comprehensive Plus Checkup also checks the glucose levels, liver enzymes, and kidney functions.
What does this Package Detect / Measure
The Comprehensive Plus Checkup with Vitamins and Electrolytes test package is thorough, and helps the doctor detect and treat a variety of health issues. Some of these include:
- Fasting blood sugar and HbA1c tests are useful in detecting diabetes or pre-diabetes.
- The kidney function test helps to detect early health issues with the kidneys like nephritis, kidney stones, or other complications.
- The CBC test helps detect anaemia, hemoglobin, signals the chances of infection, other blood related disorders, low immunity, and other health issues related to low platelets.
- The urine test provides indications of any urinary tract infection or kidney stones.
- Vitamins and electrolytes tests help to detect any deficiencies, so it can be treated on time with supplements and lifestyle changes.
Test Necessity
- The package is useful for those who wish to monitor their overall health, to prevent any potential health issues in the future.
- If you have any existing health conditions like diabetes, hypertension, or thyroid issues, the test will help to regularly monitor the conditions.
- This test is also useful for people who have any dietary restrictions like vegetarians and vegans, as it helps to identify any nutrient deficiency.
Why is this Package Prescribed?
- The test package helps to identify any potential health issues early on, so it can be prevented with medication and lifestyle changes.
- The test is also prescribed for people who have existing health conditions like diabetes, hypertension, or heart issues.
- If you have symptoms like tiredness, mood swings, or weakness, this test is prescribed as it helps to identify any causes that could be due to vitamins and electrolytes.
How Frequently should we Take this Test?
The Comprehensive Plus Checkup with Vitamins and Electrolytes package is suitable for people in all age groups. The frequency of the test should be between 6 to 12 months, or as suggested by the doctor.
Test Preparations
Before the Test
It is essential to fast for about 8-10 hours before the Comprehensive Plus Checkup test, food or beverages can change the levels, yielding an incorrect result. Do not eat or drink anything apart from water during the fasting period. The test package includes tests like fasting blood sugar and lipid profile, for which it is necessary to be on an empty stomach.
During the Test
Once the Comprehensive Plus Checkup package has been booked, an experienced phlebotomist will arrive at your location to collect the blood sample. The process is hygienic, and all safety protocols are adhered to, as blood is drawn using disposable and sterilised needles and gloves. The phlebotomist also uses a vein finder device, a unique tool that helps to locate the best vein to draw blood from. You will also be given a plastic container to collect the urine sample in.
After the Test
Once the blood and urine samples are collected, it is stored in barcoded vials and then sent to the lab for testing. After the test, you can continue with your daily life, without any restrictions.
Things to do After you Get the Report
After you receive the reports of the test, analyse it carefully and check the values. Next, you must consult your doctor so they can explain the test results and suggest lifestyle changes, additional tests, supplements, dietary changes and prescribe treatment (if needed).
Test Parameters
CBC Test
The Complete Blood Count or CBC test checks the number of different blood cells in the body like red blood cells, platelets, and white blood cells. This test is essential as it helps to detect blood conditions like any infection, anemia, leukaemia, or an autoimmune condition. The test checks these parameters:
- AEC Test
- Hemoglobin (Hb) Test
- Platelet Count Test
- Erythrocyte Count (RBC) Test
- Mean Cell Volume (MCV) Test
- Mean Cell Haemoglobin (MCH) Test
- Mean Corpuscular Hb Concentration (MCHC)
- Total Leucocytes / WBC Count (TLC) Test
- Absolute Lymphocyte Count (ALC) Test
- Absolute Basophils Count (ABC) Test
- Packed Cell Volume (PCV)
- Neutrophils
- Lymphocytes
- Monocytes
- Eosinophils
- Basophils
- Absolute Neutrophil Count
- Absolute Monocyte Count
- Immature Granulocyte Percentage
- Nucleated Red Blood Cells Percentage
- Immature Granulocytes
- Nucleated Red Blood Cells
Diabetes Screening
The diabetes screening test helps detect prediabetes or diabetes. It includes:
- Fasting blood sugar(FBS)
- Hba1C (Glycosylated haemoglobin)
- Average Blood Glucose
Lipid Profile
The tests in the lipid profile checks the blood for fat in the form of triglycerides and cholesterol, helping to detect any cardiovascular diseases. The parameters included in the test are:
- LDL Cholesterol Direct Test
- Total Cholesterol
- HDL Cholesterol Test
- Triglycerides Test
- Serum VLDL cholestrol
- LDL/HDL ratio
- TC/HDL Cholesterol Ratio
- Non HDL Cholesterol
- HDL / LDL Cholesterol Ratio
- TRIG / HDL Ratio
The liver function test measures the enzymes, checking the condition and performance of the liver, helping to detect digestive issues as well as overall health. The test includes:
- Albumin Test
- Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Test
- Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) Test
- Total Protein Test
- Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST / SGOT) Test
- SGPT / ALT (Alanine Transaminase) Test
- Bilirubin Direct
- Bilirubin Total
- Bilirubin-Indirect
- Globulin
- Albumin/Globulin Ratio
Thyroid Profile
The thyroid profile measures the levels of thyroid stimulating hormone or TSH, the hormone responsible for regulating the thyroid gland. T3 and T4 are hormones that are secreted by the thyroid, and help to regulate the body’s metabolism. The test measures:
- Thyroxine (T4) Test
- Triiodothyronine (T3) Test
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - Ultrasensitive (UTSH)
Urine Routine Test
The urine test analyses the urine, helping to detect issues line kidney stones, urinary tract infections, and overall performance of the kidney. The test checks the following parameters:
- Specific Gravity
- pH-value
- Nitrite
- Urine Protein Test
- Urine Glucose
- Ketones
- Urobilinogen
- Urine Bilirubin
- Urine Blood
- Epithelial Cells
- Casts
- Crystals
- Pus Cells
- Colour
- Appearance
- Bile Pigment
- Red Blood Cells
- Yeast Cells
- Bacteria
- Volume
- Bile Salt
- Parasites
- Leukocyte Esterase
Iron Profile
The iron profile test checks the blood for free iron, as well as the elements that are needed to bind the iron to the red blood cells as haemoglobin. If haemoglobin is low, it could indicate anemia. The doctor will then analyse if this is due to low iron or poor absorption. The parameters that are tested are:
- Iron
- Total Iron Binding Capacity
- Transferrin Saturation
The kidney function test is important as it checks the performance of the kidneys. If the creatinine level is high, this indicates high blood pressure, high levels of uric acid indicate gout or other inflammations. The test includes:
- Uric Acid Test
- Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)/Serum Urea Test
- Calcium (Ca) Test
- Creatinine Test
- BUN/Creatinine Ratio
- Urea/Creatinine Ratio
- Urea (Calculated)
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to fast before the Comprehensive Plus Checkup with Vitamins and Electrolytes test?
Yes, it is necessary to fast for 8-10 hours before the Comprehensive Plus Checkup with Vitamins and Electrolytes test. Do not eat or drink anything apart from water during the fasting period.
What is the price of the Comprehensive Plus Checkup with Vitamins and Electrolytes test?
The price of the test package depends on the availability of discounts and the location of the sample collection. The starting price of the package is usually Rs. 2,199.
When will I get the results of the Comprehensive Plus Checkup with Vitamins and Electrolytes test?
After the blood and urine sample has gone for analysis, the test result will be prepared and sent within 24 to 48 hours.The turn around time can vary for some pincodes.
What is vitamin deficiency?
Vitamin deficiency can cause different health complications like anemia, fatigue, skin issues, and a weakened immune system, affecting overall health. If your body is not getting enough vitamins through diet or due to poor absorption, you may develop a vitamin-deficiency.
Are there any risks associated with the Comprehensive Plus Checkup with Vitamins and Electrolytes test?
The Comprehensive Plus Package is a simple blood test along with a urine sample, and hence there are no risks as such. You might feel slight pain or discomfort when the blood is drawn or experience slight bruising at the injection site, but this usually goes away on its own.
What is the frequency of the Comprehensive Plus Checkup with Vitamins and Electrolytes test?
The frequency of the comprehensive test depends on the results, symptoms, and doctor’s recommendations. However, generally speaking, the test can be done every 6 to 12 months.