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Is COVID Making a Come-Back With Rising Case-Count?

The fight against coronavirus has been going on for more than a year now. We have been living a life of restrictions since March 2020. It was a very difficult year for every one of us. We were constantly hoping that the ‘curve would be flattened’ any day. But every day we only read reports of increasing case-count and death toll.

Just when it seemed that we had lost all hope, in January 2021, the Union Health Minister announced that the COVID graph has finally been flattened with 146 districts not having reported any fresh cases in a week.

This news came in conjunction with the onset of COVID vaccination in India. And we all greeted this update with a happy sigh.

But maybe our happiness is short-lived. There is an indication that COVID might rear its head again. Here’s what has been happening recently-

India’s COVID caseload is rising

The dwindling rate of new COVID infections did not continue for long. On 2nd February, India recorded its lowest ever number of new infections in a day (8635).

But soon after, the caseload began to rise again. And by February 18th, the number of fresh cases rose to 12881 and may continue to increase over the next few days.

The situation in Mumbai

When COVID struck for the first time back in early 2020, Mumbai was one of the worst-hit cities. The same pattern is emerging again. 

Mumbai has witnessed a steady rise in the number of infections. Municipality officials are traversing the length and breadth of Mumbai to understand the gravity of the situation. In just one day, the case-count went up by nearly 260 new cases. Despite the alarming new trend, Mumbai’s recovery rate continues to be 94% and patients are steadily being discharged. 

Officials are considering reintroducing certain restrictions such as strict quarantine and regulation of movement in housing societies. Police have urged people to exercise caution and minimize going out.

Also Read: What is a Fever Dream? Understanding Its Causes and Implications

The global situation

New mutant strains of COVID are much more infectious than the original coronavirus and have spread across the world and even arrived in India. Even so, the global case-count has dropped by 16%. Vaccination is underway. But 130 countries are still to receive the COVID vaccine. The UN is in the process of procuring vaccines for everyone. Major vaccine producers will do their part to ensure that no country is left out. 

The vaccination drive in India

The only way to defeat COVID and keep everyone safe is through vaccination. More than 94 lakh people have been vaccinated already. We are still in the stage of providing the vaccine to high-risk beneficiaries such as healthcare professionals, and frontline workers. Very soon, India will move to the next stage and start vaccinating people above 50 years of age.

So, now more than ever before when we are close to winning the war against COVID, we have to be cautious. We cannot relax the pandemic restrictions because if we do, the case-count will spiral again. So, continue sanitizing, mask-wearing, and social distancing and get the COVID shot when your turn comes. 

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Will The Existing Vaccines Work Against New Covid Strains? Here’s What Scientists Say!

The ongoing war against the COVID pandemic is about to end soon. Across the world, several vaccines have been invented that have proved to be effective against the COVID. In India, 2 vaccines have been given emergency approval and vaccination has already been rolled out. Soon enough we will all be receiving the COVID vaccine. This brings with it the hope that there will be fewer COVID casualties and we will be able to rebuild our economies.

In the midst of all this, another bit of news has been making the rounds that might dampen your happy spirits. The emergence of a new coronavirus mutation in the B117 strain is triggering significant anxiety in the scientific community.

What are scientists worried about? Read on to find out.

What do we know about the B117 strain?

Towards the end of 2020, we came to know about a new strain of coronavirus called the UK virus of B117. It made headlines across the world and forced a fresh round of restrictions and lockdown in Britain. Flights to the UK were temporarily suspended, all because the new B117 strain is extremely contagious. 

Several other strains were found in South Africa, Brazil, the USA, and Japan that were believed to have originated from B117.

But scientists soon discovered that though the B117 strain is more contagious, that does not mean that it is more dangerous than the other strains of COVID. The COVID vaccines were expected to be effective against the B117.

But recently, new studies have found something alarming, something that is making scientists lose their sleep.

The odd new coronavirus mutation and why it’s worrying scientists

For many months now scientists have been studying all mutations that the coronavirus undergoes. It is the nature of any virus to evolve.

The focus of the research has been directed primarily to understanding the mutation of the spike protein. These spikes are used by the virus to attach itself to the healthy host cell.

The mutation in the spike structure of the coronavirus, helps the virus to attach more efficiently to the host cell. When our bodies develop immunity through either infection or vaccination, the antibodies are responsible to fight against the viruses in the host cells. But the mutation of the spike region will help the virus escape the antibodies.

This suggests that the antibodies developed in response to the earlier strain of coronavirus may not be as effective against the new mutated strain.

And this is exactly the kind of mutation that scientists have observed in samples of B117 strain They have named this new mutation as the ‘escape mutation’

Are vaccines less effective against this mutation?

The first thing that will come to your mind after learning about the new coronavirus mutation is will the vaccines work? And people who have already overcome the COVID infection might also be wondering if the antibodies they produced in response to the virus will prevent another infection. 

Scientists don’t have clear answers to these questions. Immunity is a complex system. There are several different kinds of antibodies that our immune system produces and different antibodies attack different parts of the virus. So the effectiveness of the COVID vaccine will depend on how much our body depends on those antibodies that attack the spike protein region of the coronavirus.

Researchers will need to study the coronavirus mutation in greater detail before they can come up with an answer.

What should you do?

Continue maintaining social distancing, and regular sanitization. Wear your mask at all times when you are outside your home. Once your turn comes, get vaccinated. Even post-vaccination you must follow the COVID protocol. This is the best you can do at this moment.

Updates regarding coronavirus will keep coming. This is a virus that is difficult to understand. Even though the COVID vaccine is your best shot at a normal life, our safety lies in being responsible and doing the right thing at the right time. 

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How Worrying Are The Side Effects Of The COVID Vaccines?

Several vaccines against the dreaded COVID-19 are now gradually being made available across the globe. However, you may be wondering whether the risk of taking any vaccine may outweigh the benefits since the vaccines currently available haven’t been tested as rigorously as per usual protocol.

Read on about the vaccine side effects people have experienced so far after taking the COVID-19 vaccine, so you can make a more informed decision, once the vaccine is made available to you.

Normal Vaccine Side Effects

Certain reactions after any vaccination are normal such as redness, pain and swelling at and around the injection site and are no reflection on the vaccine effectiveness. Symptoms such as fever, tiredness, aching limbs and headache are also often observed in the first few days of the vaccine.

Rare Serious Side Effects

 Rare vaccine side effects such as allergic shocks have also been reported in isolated cases.

 While these are the general side effects that have been observed across vaccines, there are certain differences in the risks and side effects that each vaccine separately poses. Let’s examine the same:

1. Biontech-Pfizer Vaccine

While most patients suffered nothing more than the usual vaccine side effects such as fever and headache symptoms, there were isolated incidences of allergic shocks in persons who took the Biontech-Pfizer vaccine. However, a couple of British patients and an American patient even went into anaphylactic shock, symptoms of which include reddening of the skin and shortness of breath.

However, a more tragic reaction to the vaccine was faced in Norway as 33 citizens over the age of 75, who also had severe underlying diseases, passed away only a few days after taking the vaccine.

2. Moderna Vaccine

Whilst there were rare instances of allergic reactions and other vaccine side effects caused due to the Moderna Vaccine, only in 10 cases did the patients go into an anaphylactic shock. Fortunately, there were no deaths reported. However, a small percentage of the patients who took Moderna did experience facial nerve paralysis, albeit a majority of these cases were temporary.

3. AstraZeneca Vaccine (Covishield developed by Serum Institute in India)

 The AstraZeneca vaccine has proven to be one of the milder and safer vaccines so far, with most patients only reporting normal COVID vaccine side effects such as pain at the injection site, headache, fatigue, etc.

4. Russian Sputnik Vaccine

 So far, only typical COVID vaccine side effects such as headache, fever, etc. have been reported by those who have taken the Russian Sputnik vaccine even though this vaccine underwent the least number of trials. 

5. Covaxin Vaccine

 The vaccine developed by homegrown brand Bharat Biotech, has been safely administered to millions of frontline workers in India. While most subjects have only shown normal vaccine side effects of headache, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting, according to the pharma giant- in extremely rare cases, severe allergic reactions such as breathlessness, swelling of the face, body rash, etc. may also occur. Despite these vaccine side effects, you should get vaccinated. The COVID vaccine has the potential to save your life and the lives of others. So when the time comes, register on CoWIN and become a beneficiary to receive the vaccine.

6. Johnson & Johnson Vaccine

This vaccine has been developed by the Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson, to prevent COVID-19 in individuals 18 years of age and older. The most common side effects are pain in the injection site, redness, swelling and fever. These usually occur within a day or two after getting the vaccine. However, people taking this vaccine, especially women aged below 50 must be aware of the rare risk of blood clots with low platelets after vaccination.

7.  ZyCoV-D vaccine

ZyCoV-D developed in partnership with the Department of Biotechnology uses Plasmid DNA technology. It is an intradermal COVID-19 vaccine administered with the help of a needle-free applicator and shows no severe side effects.

Read more about: Difference between Covaxin vs Covishield Vaccine

Are you healthy?

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New COVID Strains – Here Are Some Countries Where Cases Have Been Found


For almost a year, the world has been struggling with a pandemic the likes of which have seldom been recorded in history. 2020 was a terrible year for almost all of us. But towards the end of the year, it seemed like the battle was about to be won. 

The coronavirus live update stated that vaccines were being given emergency approval in many countries of the world, including India. Then came another coronavirus news regarding the rise of a new COVID strain- the B117 virus or the UK virus. It also has reached India

And worryingly, many other countries, in their coronavirus updates, are reporting cases of a mutated coronavirus. Are they different from the UK virus, or almost the same? Let us look into it.

The Rise of the New COVID Strains

In September 2020, coronavirus news coming from Britain said that the country has recorded a new COVID strain. The B117 virus has the same protein structure as the regular coronavirus but is 70% more contagious even though it is not more dangerous. 

In the last few days, a few more countries have found evidence of a new coronavirus strain.

1. Japan

Authorities at Japan’s National Institute Of Infectious Diseases told the press that they have detected a new COVID strain in 4 travellers coming in from Brazil. According to their coronavirus updates, initial studies have confirmed that it is a different strain compared to the UK virus even though there are some similar changes in their genetic structural makeup. Studies are ongoing to determine its symptoms and whether the coronavirus vaccine will be effective against it.

2. Brazil

Brazil had witnessed one of the highest mortality rates from COVID. Way back in July 2020, some scientists realised that a new strain of COVID had mutated in Brazil. They called it the B1128 strain. In December 2020, judging by the coronavirus updates released by the authorities, it began to spread rapidly. As of now, the new COVID strain is restricted to Rio de Janeiro. There is no proof that this strain is deadlier or more infectious than the regular SARS-CoV. 

3. USA

The USA coronavirus variant is a little different from the UK strain. It is possibly a further mutation of the B117 virus and 50% more transmissible than the regular SARS-Cov. 

The reason why so many variants of COVID keep arising because The virus has not settled into a predictable pattern. It continues to evolve. Omicron is the variant of concern that remains dominant worldwide and there are still more than 600 sublineages of Omicron that are in circulation. One of the variants that is now in India as of April 2023 is XBB1.16 variant of omicron or called as arcutus strain.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)

4. South Africa

Analysis of the new COVID strain from South Africa has revealed that the 501.V2 variant (that’s what South Africa’s new variant of coronavirus is being called) has undergone many mutations which means that there could be several versions of 501.V2. 

But the good news is that when scientists tested Pfizer’s vaccine against the new COVID-19 mutants, the COVID-19 vaccine was found to be effective. 

The South African variant has already reached Austria and Norway via travellers. 

5. Mexico

According to COVID-19 news from Mexico, Brazil’s new COVID strain has been found in a 56-year-old man in Mexico City. It may have spread to others he had come in contact with. Since this COVID strain has been found to be very contagious, authorities are doing everything possible to curb its spread.

6. Australia

The new coronavirus strain spreading like wildfire in Australia is actually the UK virus and has close links with the Brazil virus. In fact, it has been so contagious that Brisbane had to be locked down. 

Concerns always linger around with newer variants of covid as they are usually very unpredictable in terms of their contagiousness and mortality. We may not know how the virus might change or evolve with newer strains and if it is better at infecting people or causing higher hospitalizations.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

Vaccine Efficacy Against the Coronavirus Variants

All these new COVID mutants bear a resemblance. The spike protein is not all that different from the coronavirus against which the COVID vaccine is effective. Already quite a few studies have found that the coronavirus vaccine works against the new mutations. However, further studies will be required.

Scientists themselves have many unanswered questions regarding the new COVID strains. But all of them agree that right now COVID precautions are our best line of defence. So let us follow these in our everyday lives. 

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If You Are A COVID-19 Survivor, Will You Receive The Vaccine?

It has recently been announced that India will roll out its COVID-19 vaccination drive from January 2021. All Indians have sighed with relief because we hope that very soon things will go back to normal.

But one question that is on our minds and that has not yet been answered is this – Will COVID-19 survivors get the vaccine?

Here’s what we know so far-

COVID-19 survivors may have the required immunity

Why do some people think COVID-19 survivors do not need the vaccine? Let us first see how the COVID-19 vaccine works. Please modify this statement to ” The vaccine works by either introducing killed coronavirus or structures similar to coronavirus into the body. In response to the vaccine which contains “killed coronavirus” or the “corona virus-like organisms”, our body starts producing antibodies which help to fight back in case of any exposure to Coronavirus. Thus, vaccination can help in protecting the body from this virus.

This is immunization through vaccination. But did you know that immunization also happens through exposure to disease? People who have caught COVID-19 have also developed antibodies the same way. And those antibodies are in their blood now. Hence, COVID-19 survivors are already immune to COVID-19. They have the required immunity without the COVID-19 vaccine. That is why many experts feel that the doses of coronavirus vaccine should be saved for people who have never contracted COVID-19.

Even people who have recovered from COVID-19 are urged to get vaccinated, especially as the extra-contagious delta variant surges and a new study shows survivors who ignored that advice were more than twice as likely to get reinfected.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Vaccines may not suit COVID-19 survivors

Another reason why healthcare professionals are hesitant to vaccinate COVID-19 survivors is that they do not know how their bodies would react to the COVID-19 vaccine

In all the COVID-19 vaccine trials only people who had never been exposed to the virus were injected with the vaccine candidates. No COVID-19 vaccine trial enlisted COVID-19 survivors. So there is no data or analysis of how the COVID-19 vaccine acts in their body. It might be dangerous to give them the COVID-19 vaccine.  

Vulnerable groups even among COVID-19 survivors may need the vaccine

Might COVID-19 survivors be in need of the COVID-19 vaccine after all? There are conflicting studies on how long their acquired immunity lasts. While some reports have said that immunity lasts for only 3 months others say that they might be safe for longer than that. 

And what about COVID-19 survivors with comorbidities such as heart conditions, diabetes, hypertension, etc? Their immunity is already compromised. Again, it is not known whether they might require extra protection which the COVID-19 vaccine may offer. 

For now who’ll be receiving the COVID-19 vaccine?

The Indian government has also released a priority list of people who will be receiving the vaccine. As expected, the healthcare providers, frontline workers, people above 50 years of age, and people with comorbidities will receive the vaccine before others. 

Until further information is released by the Government, we will not know whether COVID-19 survivors will need the COVID-19 vaccine. In the meantime, let us all comply with COVID-19 protocol to stay safe. 


B117 Virus – Know How Dangerous Is The New COVID Strain From The UK!

By now we have all heard that India and many other countries have stopped operating airlines to and from the UK. The travel ban is likely to last until the end of December. The culprit behind this new travel restriction is the new variant of the COVID virus. Recently the UK announced the discovery of a new strain of SARS-CoV-2. This mutated virus has been named B117 virus or VUI2020/21 and it has scared virologists and healthcare experts in the UK and across the world.

And with the new COVID-19 vaccines almost ready to roll out, many people are asking if the vaccines would be effective against the new B117 virus.

Here is what we know about it.

The New COVID-19 Strain in the UK

Recently UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson declared tough lockdown measures to be implemented in Britain during the holiday season between Christmas and New Year. This is in response to the new B117 virus that has recently emerged in the country.

Scientists and virologists have already started analyzing the B117 virus and they do not like what they have found.

How is the New Strain Different from Other COVID Strains?

The new UK strain is not the only mutation of COVID-19 that is known to us. Viruses have a nasty habit of evolving fast in response to our immunity. Multiple strains already exist and are categorized into 4 groups- Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and delta. 

The simple reason is that the B117 virus is more contagious.

In the last few weeks, there has been a steady rise in the number of COVID-19 infections in south and east England. Samples from infected people have been exposed to the new virus. Already 1108 people have been infected with the new strain. Epidemiologists and virologists have found that the B117 virus is 70% more transmissible than the other strains.

It has been observed that the nature of the proteins that help in the attachment of the virus has undergone a mutation. This new alteration of the coronavirus has increased the rate of transmission in human beings. 

The reproduction number of this UK strain is also higher than other strains. Reproduction number refers to the number of people who can be infected from 1 infected person. 

But there is good news. Experts have also found that the B117 virus does not cause a more severe infection than the other strains. Its only danger lies in the fact that it is more communicable. 

Will Vaccines Immunize us Against this Strain?

The effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine is still in anticipation. However, scientists have already started new research into the vaccine’s efficacy in building an immune response to the B117 virus.

Will the New Strain Reach India?

Healthcare experts fear that the virus strain has already arrived in India. So far, health officials have confirmed that 4 people coming in from the UK, (2 in Kolkata, 1 in Tamil Nadu and 1 in Karnataka) have tested positive for the B117 virus. But confirmation hasn’t come in from the Government. Since India has suspended flights to and from the UK, it can be hoped that the new strain does not spread like wildfire in India. 

The best way to combat any strain of COVID, according to the WHO, is to observe the COVID protocol. So let us continue wearing masks, sanitizing ourselves, and maintaining social distancing.  

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How Will India Vaccinate 1.3 Billion People Against COVID-19?

According to the latest press release by the Honorable Prime Minister of India, vaccination will start in January 2021. After a year-long struggle with COVID-19, financial difficulties, job loss, and the constant threat of falling sick, this is the news that has somehow delighted us all. 

Now, so we know that vaccination will kick off early next year, have you actually thought about how India will vaccinate millions of people?

What works in India’s favour?

India’s current population is nearly 1.3 billion. You might think that since India manages the largest electoral system in the world so efficiently, vaccinating a huge number of people will be easy. However, India has 900 million voters, whereas 1.3 billion people will need vaccine. Also, vaccination of mass is not as easy as managing the electoral system. 

But as our honurable Prime Minister has pointed out, India also has in place the world’s largest immunization system. Since independence, children and pregnant women are vaccinated against major illnesses at both government and private healthcare facilities. These vaccines are produced, and stored in India and regularly transported across the length and breadth of the country to reach every village and city. 

Hence India will utilise this system to bring the vaccine to the most remotecorners of the country.

Vaccinating not just adults but even children is important as a COVID-19 vaccine can prevent your child from getting infected and spreading coronavirus. If your child gets infected, a COVID-19 vaccine could prevent them from becoming severely ill in subsequent exposure to COVID-19 infection.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

What are the challenges that India faces?

While what the honorable Prime Minister said sounds promising, experts feel that things might not be so simple.

Will vaccination of women and pregnant women be sidelined?

Another very legitimate fear that the government has not yet addressed is that if all resources are being directed towards providing the masses with COVID-19 vaccines, how will children and women be administered other vital vaccines? This could put millions of lives at risk. 

What is India doing to overcome these challenges and what needs to be done?

Experts feel that India has to massively scale up infrastructure in the upcoming months.

Unless the logistics are handled without error, India’s entire population will not be vaccinated as soon as we had expected.  Collaboration internally and internationally is of the highest importance now.


Here’s A Detailed Look Into The Government’s New COVID-19 Guidelines Till December 31

2020, the most challenging year for the world in living memory, is drawing to a close. India too witnessed a massive healthcare crisis and a financial downturn. But the good news is that the pandemic is slowing down in India. Most experts and doctors feel that we have reached our peak in September, and now COVID cases will slowly decline. Besides, it is only a matter of months before we have a COVID vaccine!

So, why has the Union Health Ministry issued a fresh set of guidelines that are coming into effect and will stay in force until 31st December? For starters, not all states have been able to flatten the curve, and COVID is showing no signs of slowing down. Secondly, even those states that have been able to more or less contain the spread of COVID, need to continue to be cautious, else there could be another break-out.

So what are the new guidelines all about?

1. Local curfews

The Centre Government has asked states to impose night curfews whenever and wherever needed. It is up to the state authorities to analyse the condition and see if restrictive measures are necessary. States can also declare containment zones. But they will NOT impose lockdown outside of the containment zones.

2. Reduced office hours

States will be able to reduce work hours, implement WFH or similar measures in those cities where COVID positivity rate is more than 10. By reducing the number of employees coming to the office all at once, the spread of COVID can be contained.

3. Action against COVID offenders

States will have full power to take action against any individual who refuses to follow the COVID protocol, such as not wearing masks or maintaining social distancing. 

4. Uninterrupted movement of goods and people

The Centre has assured the states that there will be no prohibition of the movement of both people and goods from one state to another. Cross border trade will continue with neighbouring countries.

5. Surveillance, containment, and caution

This mantra will continue to be the state’s focus in curbing the spread of COVID. Surveillance teams will be posted in containment zones. Their job is to ensure that COVID patients are isolated and receiving the treatment they need. Police will be patrolling the zones and along with municipal authorities will make sure that all containment measures are being implemented. People will not be allowed into or out of containment zones except for emergencies. 

The Union Government has also released Standard Operating Procedures, also called SOPs for how to behave in crowded places. Crowded Indian market places continue to be high-risk transmission spots, and utter caution is called for to combat the spread of COVID

6. Online shopping

The Centre has requested the states to stress the importance of online shopping of groceries, medicines, and other essentials. It has also asked State authorities to consider giving discounts or incentives for non-peak-hour shopping.

7. Market places in containment zones

In containment zones, markets and shops will remain closed. People who are currently living in a containment zone but have shops outside of the containment zone will not be allowed to open their stores. No such restriction is required for shops and stores operating in non-containment zones. 

8. Market associations

Instead of government or municipal authorities directly intervening in the COVID SOPs of a market, the market should form its own subcommittee that will be responsible for the implementation of COVID protocol. The state government should make arrangements for mass thermal screening, handwashing stations, public washrooms, contact-less soap dispensers in all large markets in the state.

The wait for the end of COVID is near. But we cannot afford to be careless now. Let us cooperate fully with our governments and follow all the instructions to keep everyone safe. 


6 Must-Do’s Post COVID-19 Recovery!


Recovering from COVID usually takes around 2 weeks (for mild cases) and about a month for people with a serious infection. But COVID has an excellent recovery rate in India right now which is above 90%. That is why most people who contract this viral infection recover soon and slowly get back to their old lifestyle.

If you or someone you know got infected and recovered, congratulations! But remember, even though the virus is no longer in your body, you still need to be cautious about what you do in the next few days. Here is a complete guide to post-COVID care.

The Need for Post-COVID Care

The coronavirus is a nasty microbe that can do a lot of damage to your body. If your infection was moderate to severe, it is possible that the virus did some amount of damage to your respiratory system. Even people with mild infection have to be alert in the post-infection stage because symptoms of other health conditions triggered by the coronavirus may surface. The body becomes weak after having battled the dangerous virus for so many days. You may feel drained and lethargic, which is quite natural.

That is why, even if your body has killed off all the viruses, you still need to shower yourself with a lot of love and care. This will ensure that you are completely healed and if there is any requirement for additional healthcare checks, you will be able to take the right action at the right time. 

1. Take Rest

Most doctors suggest that you stay isolated for another 7 days, especially now that some studies have found that even if the symptoms disappear, the virus may still linger in your body. If possible give yourself a week of complete rest after recovery. A well-rested body can focus on healing. Get enough sleep because when you sleep, your body speeds up the recovery procedure. Do not resume your old lifestyle right away. Too much work, stress and anxiety will make you ill.

2. Have a nutritious diet

Food eases the path to recovery. The right kind of food will help you gain your strength back in days. Make sure your diet includes plenty of proteins such as lentil soup, legumes, seeds, nuts, boiled eggs and chicken stew. Proteins repair the body. Eat small portions for easy digestion. Don’t forget to eat at least 1 fruit a day. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

3. Exercise a little daily


Exercising may sound unappealing, but it is essential for a speedy recovery. Working out improves blood and oxygen circulation. It helps to detoxify your body. It can also help your brain produce more happiness hormones which will lift your spirits – something that is greatly needed after you’ve contracted COVID. Only exercise as much as you can. Do your favourite kinds of exercise and don’t push yourself too much. 10 minutes a day will suffice.

4. Play a few memory games

COVID is known to damage brain and neural cells. To prevent future memory problems, try playing some memory games like sudoku, mathdoku, crossword, jigsaw, etc. this will also help you while away the time without getting bored and irritated.

5. Check your blood oxygen level

Continue to monitor your blood oxygen saturation level with your oximeter. Even if you have recovered from COVID, there could be lung damage that you don’t know of. If so, your oxygen level will fluctuate and dip below 90. You will need to visit the doctor. 

6. Watch out for other symptoms

COVID can have long-term consequences for your health. So you have to be alert. COVID can cause both lung and heart damage. If you begin to experience shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, warm flushes, consult a doctor right away.

7. Steam inhalation

Since steam inhalation helps to drastically reduce upper as well as lower respiratory congestion, it is advisable to continue this home remedy even after recovering from COVID-19. This is because COVID reduces lung capacity and slight congestion could cause a lot of discomfort in breathing.

8. Take Multi-vitamins

COVID-19 can take a massive toll on your immune system. In several cases, people who have recovered from COVID-19 have had to deal with a highly compromised immune system. Therefore, consuming a regular dose of multi-vitamin supplements is highly advisable to help restore the immune system.

9. Stay hydrated

The importance of hydration cannot be stressed enough. Some cases of COVID-19 have reported electrolytic imbalance both during infection as well as post-recovery. Therefore, drinking at least 2 to 3 litres of water a day is highly recommended.

10. Lung exercises

Since the strength of your lungs is usually compromised after recovering from COVID-19, it is essential to perform some breathing exercises that help to restore lung capacity. You can begin by simply blowing out candles, blowing balloons, or even using a spirometer.

COVID care is essential and should not be ignored. This is a great investment for your future health!  

Read more about: Difference between Covaxin vs Covishield Vaccine

Health checkups are important on the road to recovery.

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Does Pfizer’s 90% Effective COVID Vaccine Offer The First Real Glimmer Of Hope?

Coronavirus vaccine news: All major pharmacies across the globe have been scrambling to come up with a vaccine that can end the COVID menace. Just when people were beginning to get desperate, US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer announced in October that their vaccine candidate is almost ready and can be rolled out by the end of 2020. The common people were delighted, but some medical experts expressed their doubts about this vaccine’s effectiveness. But now Pfizer has published an update. Their vaccine is 90% effective. So what does this mean for the world?

Pfizer’s Corona vaccine update  

Pfizer has been working on a covid-19 vaccine, BNT162b2, with BioNTech, a German firm. It began phase 3 human trials on July 27 this year. The Pfizer vaccines use the mRNA technique to instruct the body to create antibodies against COVID-19. There are two advantages associated with the Pfizer vaccine.  

1. The mRNA technology does not require the virus to be cultivated and replicated for the vaccine to be developed. Only the code is needed, and since this vaccine is synthetically developed, it can be produced quickly.

2. This Pfizer vaccine can be produced on large scales in huge containers called bioreactors.

90% effectiveness- what does that imply?

The most recent Pfizer vaccine update is that the company has recently published preliminary data from its last human trial stage. The efficacy analysis shows that the Pfizer vaccine is 90% effective. That means the vaccine could prevent COVID infection in 90% of the cases among people who were given the vaccine as opposed to people who were given a placebo (a dummy vaccine). Another piece of good news is that the results have shown that there are no serious side effects or safety concerns.

Pfizer will soon be submitting its vaccine to the Food and Drug Administration (the drug regulatory body of the US) for approval. Once that is granted, Pfizer will apply for emergency authorization to bring the Pfizer vaccine to the market.  


Does that mean that COVID is over?

The Pfizer vaccine may or may not be approved by the FDA.

What goes in its favor is the 90% efficacy statistic because the FDA and other international drug regulatory organizations have stated that it has to be more than 50% effective for any vaccine to be approved. Pfizer’s vaccine meets this criterion. On top of that, the vaccine can be speedily produced in huge quantities.  

The FDA might not grant emergency authorization immediately because the data published by Pfizer analyzed only 94 people among the 40,000 volunteers who were vaccinated during Pfizer’s trial. Officials at Pfizer have themselves stated that they don’t expect authorization on the back of so little data. That is why they will continue to collect data. And by the 3rd week of November, Pfizer will submit statistics for two months of analysis.  

Will the 90% effective Pfizer vaccine be available in India?

It’s too early to say whether India will get the Pfizer vaccine if it’s approved. By now, Pfizer has reached an agreement with the US, Japan, UK, and some countries of the EU to supply them with the vaccine. No formal deal has been reached between India and Pfizer.  

For the Pfizer vaccine to be launched in India, Pfizer or BioNTech would have to approach India’s Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation. Trials will need to be conducted in India, and only then will the vaccine be available in Indian markets. But, India has two indigenous vaccines in the pipeline. Even if the Pfizer vaccine doesn’t get approval, we can always rely on our vaccine candidates to get a corona vaccine in India.

Until a vaccine is ready, let us all continue to observe the COVID protocol to keep our loved ones, our country’s people, and ourselves safe.

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