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Natural Ways To Manage Blood Pressure

By Saksham Bhatia +2 more

Hypertension or high blood pressure is a chronic medical condition in which the force with which blood flows in your arteries is consistently higher than the defined normal range. It makes the heart work harder to pump out the blood against this higher pressure, affecting the blood vessels and vital organs in the long run. 

Blood pressure is a force exerted by blood flow against the artery walls. In adults, normal blood pressure measurement is 120/80 mm Hg. During blood pressure it rises to 130/80 mmHg or higher. It can be detected by checking blood pressure using a BP measuring instrument. One must never self-diagnose in this case.

Management of high blood pressure involves diet and lifestyle modifications along with the prescribed treatment. Here are a few natural ways to manage blood pressure that you can try after a quick check with your doctor.

Ways to manage blood pressure naturally 

Let’s take a look at some things you can do to manage your blood pressure along with the prescribed medicines:

1. Lifestyle modifications 

  • Regular exercise

Choose any physical activity that suits you. You may try walking, jogging, yoga, swimming or Zumba.

  • Good sleep

Sleeping and waking up simultaneously every day are beneficial for your health. Sound sleep for 7-8 hours is considered healthy.

  • Stress management

Yoga, meditation and mindfulness are some techniques that can help you keep stress and related complications at bay.

  • Weight management

People with obesity are at higher risk for high blood pressure and heart diseases. It is essential to maintain your body weight and waist circumference in a healthy range.

2. Dietary Modifications

Include more fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables in your diet. 
Maintain a good balance of good quality carbohydrates, fibre, proteins and healthy fats on your plate. 
Cut off on extra salt and deep-fried, packaged and processed food.

Listed below are a few healthy food items that you may include in your diet

  1. Celery 

Celery is rich in potassium, dietary fibre, vitamin K, folate, manganese, etc. Potassium is necessary for the heart and might help manage high blood pressure. Blend some fresh celery stalks in a juicer and enjoy the fresh drink. You can also mix the juice with some honey.

  1. Oats 

Oatmeal is a rich source of dietary fibre and oatmeal porridge may be one of the beneficial natural remedies for high blood pressure. To make oatmeal porridge, add some hot water, milk, fruit and oats. Stir the mixture and serve it hot.

  1. Green Tea 

Drinking green tea can be helpful. Add some green tea leaves or a green tea bag to hot water and let it simmer for a few minutes. Strain it and your tea is ready. Add little honey or lemon juice to it.

  1. Garlic 

Considered one of the best home remedies for blood pressure, garlic pearl preparations may be beneficial. Other garlic supplements (Kyolic-aged garlic extract) may also be helpful. 

  1. Ginger

Lemon ginger tea may be a beneficial home remedy for blood pressure. Brew some by boiling lemon and ginger together in the water. You can also add a little honey if you like. You can also add it to your regular black tea. 

Also Read: What is Spirulina: Understanding the Research-Based Benefits and Uses

When to seek medical help

Hypertension is often asymptomatic. Look for the following danger signs:

  • Blood pressure greater than 140/ 100 mmHg 
  • Headache
  • Excessive sweating
  • Abnormal heartbeats and anxiety
  • Chest pain 
  • Shortness of breath 
  • Seizures 
  • Sudden changes in vision
  • Changes in the way you speak and smile
  • Numbness or loss of sensation in any part of the body

High blood pressure is a severe health condition and needs diagnosis and treatment appropriately. Always consult your doctor.

Also Read: Benefits of Celery Juice: A Comprehensive Review Based on Scientific Research


Hypertension or high blood pressure likely develops with age or a sedentary lifestyle. Dietary and lifestyle changes and proper medications might help you lower the risk of associated health complications. A regular checkup and doctor’s consultation can help you manage blood pressure well.

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of u

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