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Can You Get Your Child The COVID Vaccine Any Time Soon?

By Dr. Nikita Toshi +2 more

India carried out one of the largest vaccination programs in the world and is one of the leading countries when it comes to the number of people vaccinated. This is heartening news because this means we are all a little more protected from the dreaded coronavirus. 

In this context, a question that is on the mind of every parent with a very young child is, when will the COVID vaccine for children in India be available?

The need for COVID vaccine for children in India

Children are as vulnerable to COVID as adults. And very small ones might be at greater risk as they may fail to follow Covid appropriate behaviour very precisely. Schools and colleges have remained closed for many months now and it has greatly disrupted their academic routine. This situation can not possibly continue. The pandemic and the lockdown life has also greatly affected children’s psychological health. So for the sake of their safety and wellbeing, the COVID vaccine for children is ultra essential.

India already has three Covid vaccines – Corbevax, Covovax and Covaxin – that have received emergency use approvals in children from 5 to 12. The nod means human trials in this bracket have found these shots safe and effective.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD

Why has the vaccination plan for children not been rolled out yet?

The very simple reason is that experts weren’t yet sure whether the vaccines that are being administered to adults are safe for children. And even if they are safe, what would be the dosage? Clearly, children would need smaller doses than adults. But what dosage would be effective in triggering an immense response? 

Trials have been ongoing to find out all the answers. And finally, the scientists have given the green light and COVID vaccines for children will soon hit the market.   

A COVID-19 vaccine can prevent your child from getting infected and spreading coronavirus. If your child gets infected, a COVID-19 vaccine could prevent them from becoming severely ill in subsequent exposure to COVID-19 infection. The Government of India has extended the COVID-19 vaccination for children in the 15 to 18 age group on 3 January 2022.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

The latest updates regarding the COVID vaccine for children in India

The Subject Expert Committee has recommended the emergency use authorization of India’s home-grown COVID-19 vaccine Covaxin for children between 2-18 years of age. Higher authorities and officials will hold extensive talks with experts, before this COVID vaccine for children in India is rolled out.

Another vaccine that may become available in the market as early as November is ZyCoV-D developed by India’s Zydus Cadila. This vaccine has earned emergency use approval for everyone above 12 years of age. Discussions are ongoing to decide whether this vaccine should also be made available to children below 12 years of age. ZyCoV-D is a unique 3-dose, a needle-free vaccine for COVID-19.

Also Read: Omicron Variant & Vaccine Efficacy

What can you do in the meantime?

Until the COVID vaccine for children in India is available and your child gets vaccinated, make sure that you limit their exposure to the virus. They need to wear masks at all times whenever they go out of the house. Sanitization of hands is vital. Make sure their outside clothes and bags are disinfected properly. And the adults of the household should be vaccinated and must also follow the above-mentioned COVID protocol.

Also Read: Omicron Variant Latest News & Updates

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