Can A Person With Kidney Stones Exercise?
By Dr. Saurabh Mittal +2 more
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By Dr. Saurabh Mittal +2 more
Kidney stones are hard, solid deposits of minerals and salts that form inside your kidneys, ureters or urinary bladder. These are usually the result of a poor, unhealthy diet, excess body weight, less water intake and constipation. They can also occur randomly in a person without a known cause. These also occur due to the consumption of certain supplements and medications or in case of any medical condition. Kidney stones can affect any part of your urinary tract. These may start forming when the urine becomes concentrated, allowing minerals to crystallize and stick together.
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These symptoms may vary based on the severity of the condition. As soon as you notice any of these symptoms, you must consult a doctor immediately instead of self-diagnosing. Kidney stones if left untreated can cause serious health complications, they may block the ureters or make them narrower. It also leads to an increased risk of infection and the inability to pass urine properly puts an added strain on the kidneys which are not good and require immediate medical attention. Kidney stones can occur in people of any age and require timely diagnosis, treatment and in some cases surgery. Managing weight and staying fit can help you lower the risk factors for kidney stones. Exercise along with other measures can be helpful.
These excercises help in flushing out the stones, the important thing to note is drink atleast a litre of water before and after excercising for better results.
Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD(Pediatrics)
Kidneys play an important role in our body by flushing out waste products in the form of urine. If you are suffering from kidney stones, regular exercise can prove to be very helpful and is highly recommended by doctors to lower certain risk factors and enhance the capacity of your kidneys. Certain bowel conditions can raise the risk of kidney stones, hence these exercises are advised to take care of the problem. Keep in mind that the exercises must be done correctly, otherwise, they can do more harm than good. The doctor will suggest a few non-strenuous exercises which will help stimulate your organs and improve the overall health of your kidneys. Here are some beneficial exercises for kidney stones but don’t forget to talk to your doctor before starting any exercise plan.
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This particular exercise must be done by standing upright on the floor. Place your feet close together, now begin with a deep inhalation and bring both arms together. Stretch them straight over the head and feel your entire body stretching up. Exhale as you bend forward and slowly bring your fingertips or palms to the floor. Hold this position for a few minutes and get back to your original posture. This yoga helps massage the digestive organs and alleviate flatulence along with constipation and indigestion.
The forward bend posture is to be done while you are seated. Begin by seating with your legs stretched forward and keep them straight together. Then inhale and extend your arms straight out to the sides and up over your head, reaching toward the ceiling while keeping your spine erect. As you exhale, try to come forward by hinging at your hips. Your upper body must rest on your lower body. Lower your arms slowly to grip your big toes with your fingers. This may be a little difficult at first but with practice, you will be able to master this yoga. Try to touch your knees with your nose and remember to lengthen your spine on each inhale and deepen into your forward bend on each exhale. Stay for as long as you can, then relax. It is a beneficial exercise, it calms the body and relaxes the mind and also helps blood circulation in the body.
The raised leg exercise should be started by lying down on your back, with arms relaxed on each side, your legs straight and joined together. Inhale and raise both the legs from the floor keeping your knees straight and toes pointing outward. Bring your legs to a perpendicular position to the ground and maintain this posture for as long as you can, breathing normally. Exhale and lower your legs gradually. This asana strengthens the muscles of your lower back, legs, abdomen and pelvic area. By helping the abdominal muscle to contract, it improves the functions of your kidneys.
This is one of the easiest exercises to do at home for temporary relief from kidney stones. Lie down on your back and bring both your knees close to your chest while inhaling. Hold this pose and try to get your nose close to your knees. Now take a few long breaths, then exhale and release. Repeat this thrice. It can improve your digestive system, assist you with your gastric problem and significantly lessen the impact of constipation.
The Bow Pose exercise must be done by lying down on your stomach. You have to keep your feet slightly apart and almost parallel to your hips while placing your arms on the side of your body. Fold your knees up slowly and try to stretch your hands backwards to hold your ankles.
Inhale and lift your chest off the ground while you pull your legs up and stretch them out as you feel the tension on your arms and thighs. Breathe deeply and hold onto the pose for 12-15 seconds before you are back to the ground slowly. This exercise will enhance your body’s posture and flexibility which may provide relief from the symptoms of kidney stones.
To perform the Frog Pose exercise, begin in the Vajrasana pose. Now form firm fists with both hands and place them on your abdomen, either side of your navel. Exhale and bend forward slowly as you press your fists. Keep your back straight and look forward as you are bending forward. Hold your breath for as long as you can in this pose. Inhale and relax. This yoga is very helpful for people with kidney stones.
This asana is popularly known as Cobbler Pose, where you sit with folded legs, knees relaxed out. Exhale and bend your knees, pull your heels toward your pelvis and press the soles of your feet together. Your knees must touch the ground and your arms and shoulders must be relaxed. Keep your spine straight, you may try moving your knees like the wings of a butterfly. Hold this pose for up to 2 minutes and do it regularly for best results. These are some of the exercises that may help a person with kidney stones or even if you had kidney stones in past. You can try these exercises with caution, at home, doing them regularly will improve your overall health. These exercises are largely beneficial for proper digestion, normal bowel movements and lower body muscle flexibility and play a role in managing daily stress. You may talk to your doctor about the appropriate exercises.
An important point to remember is that one of the main factors that determines the time it takes to pass a kidney stone is its size. Generally, smaller stones have a higher likelihood of passing through the urine faster than larger stones.
Dr. Ashish Bajaj, M.B.B.S., M.D. in Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
While the above exercises can be performed by people with kidney stones and improve their health, these may not be recommended for everyone. People with any orthopaedic problems must consult a physician before performing these exercises at home. Doing any of the exercises incorrectly may even worsen your condition. Note that you must avoid strenuous exercises that tighten the muscles which may aggravate your symptoms of kidney stones.
These exercises, when performed regularly, work well for people suffering from kidney stones. These help in congestion removal detoxes the body and eases the pain associated with kidney stones. If you make it a part of your routine, you may be able to cut off some of the known risk factors for kidney stones. A yoga mat is all you need to get started and the best time to practice these exercises is in the morning. Kidney stones depending on their sizes and position may be removed naturally if detected early, in other cases you may have to undergo surgery to remove the kidney stones.
Your doctor will want to know the symptoms you are experiencing and ask you to undergo imaging tests like an ultrasound, to take a look at your urinary tract. CT scans may reveal even tiny kidney stones. Some urine tests and blood tests may also be required to predict the underlying cause and types of stones.
Calcium oxalate stones are the most common types of kidney stones. Some others include uric acid stones, Struvite/infection stones and Cystine stones.
“Silent” kidney stones show no symptoms and if they are very small in size, they may be passed through urine. You must go for health checkups regularly as these stones are often detected during an X-ray, or ultrasound.
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