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Better Heart Health- Things To Remember

By Saksham Bhatia +2 more

Heart health is something that every individual should focus on, irrespective of his/her age or lifestyle preferences. After all, a healthier heart is a prerequisite for not just long life but also the overall quality of life in turn. There are several things that you can do in order to enhance your heart health. 

Some of them include the following: 

  • Consume healthy fats and avoid trans fats– The right type and amount of Fats are necessary for our dietary regimes and these include unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. However, Trans fat is a strict no-no. This greatly scales up overall risks of heart ailments or strokes throughout one’s lifetime. It can clog up the arteries by enhancing one’s levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and also by reducing HDL (good cholesterol) levels in turn. By completely eliminating these unhealthy fats, you will automatically boost heart health. These unhealthy fats are often used in ready-to-eat snacks, junk food, fried food, baked goods, margarine and other items. Read labels and check whether something contains partially-hydrogenated oil or not. 
  • Dental hygiene is a must– You will be surprised to know that risk of some heart ailments can be reduced with good dental hygiene practices. Microbes from dental infections may also affect the heart valves if they get into the bloodstream. Hence, make sure that you follow a regular regime of brushing and flossing. 
  • Sleep always counts– For a healthier heart, make sure that you get at least eight hours of sleep each day. A minimum of six hours is the benchmark that you should have. Being sleep-deprived may lead to heart ailments and strokes, along with possible inflammation and blood pressure problems. 
  • Avoid sitting for long hours– Many of us keep sitting in one position for long hours at a stretch. You should always avoid sitting somewhere continuously throughout the day. Keep moving and walking periodically. Those in sedentary or desk jobs should always take regular breaks, work out each day and sometimes use standing workstations to get jobs done. 

Heart disease risk falls significantly when people exercise regularly, maintain a balanced diet and healthy weight, control their blood pressure and get good quality sleep.

Dr. M.G. Kartheeka, MBBS, MD
  • Smoke is your enemy– Giving up smoking is always better for improving heart health. And if you are a non-smoker, then stay away from second-hand smoke. This may lead to elevated risks of strokes and heart disease alike. Those who have high cholesterol or blood pressure issues may have even higher risks upon exposure to second-hand smoke from cigarettes. 

Combine these tips with a daily workout routine in order to keep your heart healthy for the long haul. A few lifestyle changes are always in order for you to live a long, happy and healthy life. 

When done regularly, moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity strengthens your heart muscle. This improves your heart’s ability to pump blood to your lungs and throughout your body.

Dr. Ashish Bajaj – M.B.B.S, M.D.

Also Read: Exercise to Increase Stamina: Science-Backed Strategies to Boost Your Endurance

Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.

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