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6 Ways An All-Nighter Is Dangerous For Your Health

By Dixit Arora +2 more

We have all pulled one-nighters a few times in our lives to complete school assignments, to catch up on some pending work or watch our favourite teams in action. But staying up all night is not advisable. Sleep deprivation can have terrible consequences for your health.  

6 Ways An All-Nighter Is Dangerous For Your Health - PharmEasy

This is how an All-Nighter will hurt you – 

When you stay up all night, you are going against the established routine and rhythm of your body. Human beings by evolution are diurnal-sleep during the night and work during the daytime. This is ingrained in our body clock, which regulates all the functions of our bodies. So, any disruption of this clock will impact the entire body. So, if you do an all-nighter, you may expect the following symptoms:

 1. You will feel Drowsy –

The immediate fallout of foregoing sleep for a night will be sleepiness the next morning. You are likely to feel extremely bleary, lethargic and disoriented when you go about your everyday work the next day. It may make you slow and inefficient.

 2. You may experience Forgetfulness –

Your brain will feel foggy the day after you pull an all-nighter. Your cognitive abilities will slow down and you will have trouble in recollection. If you go many nights without sleep, you will slowly begin to have problems differentiating between real and false memories. You may even find it difficult to form new memories.

You may find yourself forgetting your simple things, such as where you placed an object or a task that you were supposed to complete.

 3. You could gain Weight –

Your body clock monitors your metabolism. Staying up all night will meddle with the secretion of hormones that are responsible for the feelings of hunger and satiety. You are likely to feel hungrier if you are sleep deprived. And if you surrender to your constant hunger pangs, you will soon start putting on weight.

 4. If you are Diabetic, it could be Dangerous –

Not sleeping at all interferes with your insulin production. And when metabolism too is affected, it could cause a rapid rise of sugar level in your blood.

 5. Your Mood will be foul the next Morning –

Emotions are often the by-product of hormones and chemicals. An all-nighter will throw them off balance. Everybody knows that sleep loss can make a person irritable and cranky.

What’s worse is that a sleepless night slows the function of that part of your brain that makes plans and decisions. This can make you impulsive and impair your judgment and you may find yourself making rash decisions that will harm you in the future.

 6. You could fall ill –

Because an all-nighter adversely affects your metabolism, you could notice signs of a stomach disorder. Moreover, very little sleep makes your immunity weak. That is why if you go out after you pull an all-nighter, your body will be vulnerable to pathogens. You could contract allergies, the common cough and cold or the flu.

Try to avoid all-nighters at all costs. Whatever be the reason, your health is your most valuable possession. Staying up all night will hurt your health. To reschedule your life in a way that you don’t have to stay up all night.

Also Read: Quality Of Sleep Vs. The Quantity – Which Is More Important?

Disclaimer: The above information has been prepared by a qualified medical professional and may not represent the practices followed universally. The suggestions listed in this article constitute relatively common advice given to patients and since every patient is different, you are advised to consult your physician, if in doubt, before acting upon this information. Lupin Limited has only facilitated the distribution of this information to you in the interest of patient education and welfare.


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